首页> 外文期刊>Adsorption >Capture of CO2 from flue gas by vacuum pressure swing adsorption using activated carbon beads

Capture of CO2 from flue gas by vacuum pressure swing adsorption using activated carbon beads

机译:使用活性炭珠的真空变压吸附法从烟气中捕获CO 2

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Vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) for CO2 capture has attracted much research effort with the development of the novel CO2 adsorbent materials. In this work, a new adsorbent, that is, pitch-based activated carbon bead (AC bead), was used to capture CO2 by VPSA process from flue gas. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics data had been reported in a previous work. Fixed-bed breakthrough experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the effect of feed flowrate, composition as well as the operating pressure and temperature in the adsorption process. A four-step Skarstrom-type cycle, including co-current pressurization with feed stream, feed, counter-current blowdown, and counter-current purge with N2 was employed for CO2 capture to evaluate the performance of AC beads for CO2 capture with the feed compositions from 15–50% CO2 balanced with N2. Various operating conditions such as total feed flowrate, feed composition, feed pressure, temperature and vacuum pressure were studied experimentally. The simulation of the VPSA unit taking into account mass balance, Ergun relation for pressure drop and energy balance was performed in the gPROMS using a bi-LDF approximation for mass transfer and Virial equation for equilibrium. The simulation and experimental results were in good agreement. Furthermore, two-stage VPSA process was adopted and high CO2 purity and recovery were obtained for post-combustion CO2 capture using AC beads.
机译:随着新型CO 2 吸附剂材料的开发,用于CO 2 捕获的真空变压吸附(VPSA)吸引了许多研究工作。在这项工作中,一种新的吸附剂,即沥青基活性炭珠(AC珠)被用于通过VPSA工艺从烟气中捕获CO 2 。在先前的工作中已经报道了吸附平衡和动力学数据。为了评估进料流量,组成以及吸附过程中的操作压力和温度的影响,进行了固定床穿透实验。对CO 2 采用四步Skarstrom型循环,包括与进料流并流加压,进料,逆流排污和N 2 逆流吹扫。 sub>捕获以评估15–50%CO 2 与N 2 平衡的饲料组合物中AC珠对CO 2 捕获的性能。实验研究了各种操作条件,例如总进料流量,进料组成,进料压力,温度和真空压力。在gPROMS中,使用质量转移的bi-LDF近似和平衡的Virial方程,对考虑了质量平衡,压降的Ergun关系和能量平衡的VPSA单元进行了模拟。仿真与实验结果吻合良好。此外,采用了两阶段的VPSA工艺,并利用AC微珠对燃烧后的CO 2 进行捕集,获得了较高的CO 2 纯度和回收率。



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