首页> 外文期刊>Acta Polytechnica >Deformation Stress State of Elastic Bodies

Deformation Stress State of Elastic Bodies


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The theory of the deformation stress state is based on the actual corpuscular structure of matter characterized in terms of mechanics by the fact that an increase in the distance of two adjacent atoms is accompanied by the origin of an attractive force and a reduction in their distance by the origin of a repulsive force. These forces differ significantly from the classical internal forces, which are the forces of the mechanics of perfectly solid bodies. These express the equilibrium of forces with reference to the given area within the loaded body, and lave no direct deformation effect. This paper defines the quantities of the deformation stress state - the deformation force and the deformation stress - the direct manifestation of which is a deformation. The author introduces the term of deformation stress state theory (DSS theory) to the field of the theory of elasticity dealing with the stress state of deformable bodies. The quantities and the equations of this theory also form the basis for the formulation of the theory of failure, which makes it possible to determine reliably the safety margin and the strength of a multiaxially loaded body from the stress state described by the static quantities (stress tensor) and uniaxial strength.
机译:形变应力状态的理论基于物质的实际微粒结构,该结构以力学为特征,其特征是两个相邻原子之间的距离增加伴随着吸引力的产生,而两个原子之间的距离减小伴随着排斥力的起源。这些力与经典的内部力有很大的不同,经典的内部力是完美实体的力学力。这些表示相对于负载体内给定区域的力平衡,并且没有直接的变形效果。本文定义了形变应力状态的数量-形变力和形变应力-其直接体现是形变。作者将形变应力状态理论(DSS theory)一词引入了涉及形变体应力状态的弹性理论领域。该理论的量和方程式也构成了失效理论公式化的基础,这使得可以从静态量(应力)表示的应力状态可靠地确定多轴加载体的安全裕度和强度。张量)和单轴强度。



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