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Reconstruction of the Old Bridge of Mostar


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The Old Bridge of Mostar was built in 1566 by Hajrudin, a student of Kodza Mimar Sinan, the greatest Ottoman architect. It is a stone bridge of very slender and elegant shapes: its profile and its skyline are so thin and so high over the river waters that it is hard to believe that such a structure could be made out of huge stone blocks. The Bridge was destroyed in November 1993 by shelling during the recent war events. Its reconstruction was one of the biggest and most complicated projects involving UNESCO, The World Bank and many local and international experts. The task was to build a New Old Bridge -precisely the same in all details as the Old one. After many studies, tests and shape determinations, the project was completed and the actual reconstruction work could begin. Ancient techniques and methods, original materials and a perfectly reconstructed shape gave this Bridge its new life in post-war Mostar.
机译:莫斯塔尔老桥由哈德鲁丁(Hajrudin)于1566年建造,哈德鲁丁是奥斯曼最伟大的建筑师科扎·米玛·思南(Kodza Mimar Sinan)的学生。它是一座修长而优雅的石桥:其轮廓和天际线是如此之细,在河水上如此之高,以至于很难相信这样的结构可以由巨大的石块制成。桥梁在最近的战争事件中于1993年11月被炮击摧毁。它的重建是教科文组织,世界银行以及许多当地和国际专家参与的最大,最复杂的项目之一。任务是建造一座新旧桥-在所有细节上都与旧桥完全相同。经过大量研究,测试和确定形状后,该项目已完成,可以开始实际的重建工作。古老的技术和方法,原始的材料以及完美重建的形状使这座桥在战后莫斯塔尔(Mostar)获得了新生。



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