首页> 外文期刊>Acta Physiologiae Plantarum >Hairy root culture of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.: a promising approach for the production of picrotin and picrotoxinin

Hairy root culture of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.: a promising approach for the production of picrotin and picrotoxinin

机译:来自Benth的Picrorhiza kurroa Royle的毛状根培养物:生产picrotin和picrotoxinin的有前途的方法

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Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. is an endangered plant producing various compounds of medicinal importance. Hairy roots of P. kurroa were obtained following cocultivation of shoot tip explants with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains A 4 and PAT 405. Bacterial strain A 4 appeared to be better than the strain PAT 405 in terms of both growth of respective hairy root cultures and secondary metabolite production. The optimal growth of both the hairy root cultures occurred on half-strength semisolid medium with 3% sucrose. Picrotin and picrotoxinin from the roots of wild type field grown plants were compared with 8-week-old hairy root cultures induced by the A 4 and PAT 405 strains of A. rhizogenes. Picrotin and picrotoxinin content were evaluated in hairy root cultures as well as roots of field grown plant of P. kurroa. In terms of the production of picrotin and picrotoxinin, the A 4 induced hairy roots appeared to be a better performer than the PAT 405 induced hairy root cultures. The picrotin and picrotoxinin content was highest in 8-week-old A 4 induced hairy roots (8.8 μg/g DW and 47.1 μg/g DW, respectively). Rapid growth of the hairy roots of P. kurroa with in vitro secondary metabolite production potential may offer an attractive alternative to the exploitation of this endangered plant species.
机译:Picrorhiza kurroa Royle前Benth。是一种濒临灭绝的植物,会产生多种具有药用价值的化合物。与发根农杆菌菌株A 4和PAT 405共培养芽尖外植体后,可得到P. kurroa的毛状根。在各个毛状根培养物和次生代谢产物的生长方面,细菌性菌株A 4似乎比PAT 405更好。生产。两种毛状根培养物的最佳生长均在含3%蔗糖的半强度半固体培养基上进行。将野生型田间生长植物的根中的苦瓜素和苦瓜毒素与发根农杆菌的A 4和PAT 405菌株诱导的8周龄毛状根培养物进行了比较。在毛状根培养物和野生假单胞菌的根中评估了苦味素和苦瓜毒素的含量。就苦瓜素和苦瓜毒素的产生而言,A 4诱导的毛状根似乎比PAT 405诱导的毛状根培养物表现更好。在8周大的A 4诱导的毛状根中,苦味素和苦味毒素的含量最高(分别为8.8μg/ g DW和47.1μg/ g DW)。具有体外次生代谢产物生产潜力的库氏假单胞菌毛状根的快速生长可能为开发这种濒危植物提供了有吸引力的替代方法。



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