首页> 外文期刊>ACM Transactions on Graphics >Perceptually Based Downscaling of Images

Perceptually Based Downscaling of Images


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We propose a perceptually based method for downscaling imagesrnthat provides a better apparent depiction of the input image. Wernformulate image downscaling as an optimization problem where therndifference between the input and output images is measured usingrna widely adopted perceptual image quality metric. The downscaledrnimages retain perceptually important features and details, resultingrnin an accurate and spatio-temporally consistent representation ofrnthe high resolution input. We derive the solution of the optimizationrnproblem in closed-form, which leads to a simple, efficient andrnparallelizable implementation with sums and convolutions. The algorithmrnhas running times similar to linear filtering and is ordersrnof magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art for image downscaling.rnWe validate the effectiveness of the technique with extensiverntests on many images, video, and by performing a user study, whichrnindicates a clear preference for the results of the new algorithm.
机译:我们提出了一种基于感知的缩小图像尺寸的方法,该方法可以更好地显示输入图像。 Wernformulate图像缩小是一个优化问题,其中使用广泛采用的感知图像质量度量来测量输入和输出图像之间的差异。缩小的图像保留了感知上重要的特征和细节,从而产生了高分辨率输入的准确且时空一致的表示。我们得出了封闭形式的优化问题的解决方案,这导致了一个简单的,有效的,可并行化的,带有和和卷积的实现。该算法的运行时间类似于线性滤波,比最先进的图像缩小算法快几个数量级。显然偏爱新算法的结果。



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