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Skycube Materialization Using the Topmost Skyline or Functional Dependencies


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Given a table T(Id, D-1,..., D-d), the skycube of T is the set of skylines with respect to to all nonempty subsets (subspaces) of the set of all dimensions {D-1,..., D-d}. To optimize the evaluation of any skyline query, the solutions proposed so far in the literature either (i) precompute all of the skylines or (ii) use compression techniques so that the derivation of any skyline can be done with little effort. Even though solutions (i) are appealing because skyline queries have optimal execution time, they suffer from time and space scalability because the number of skylines to be materialized is exponential with respect to d. On the other hand, solutions (ii) are attractive in terms of memory consumption, but as we show, they also have a high time complexity. In this article, we make contributions to both kinds of solutions. We first observe that skyline patterns are monotonic. This property leads to a simple yet efficient solution for full and partial skycube materialization when the skyline with respect to all dimensions, the topmost skyline, is small. On the other hand, when the topmost skyline is large relative to the size of the input table, it turns out that functional dependencies, a fundamental concept in databases, uncover a monotonic property between skylines. Equipped with this information, we show that closed attributes sets are fundamental for partial and full skycube materialization. Extensive experiments with real and synthetic datasets show that our solutions generally outperform state-of-the-art algorithms.
机译:给定一个表T(Id,D-1,...,Dd),T的天空立方是相对于所有维度{D-1,....的集合的所有非空子集(子空间)而言的天际线集合。 。,Dd}。为了优化对任何天际线查询的评估,迄今为止,文献中提出的解决方案要么(i)预计算所有天际线,要么(ii)使用压缩技术,以便可以轻松完成任何天际线的推导。尽管解决方案(i)吸引人,因为天际线查询具有最佳执行时间,但它们却受时间和空间伸缩性的影响,因为要实现的天际线数量相对于d是指数级的。另一方面,解决方案(ii)在内存消耗方面很有吸引力,但正如我们所展示的,它们也具有很高的时间复杂度。在本文中,我们对两种解决方案都做出了贡献。我们首先观察到天际线模式是单调的。当所有维度的天际线(最顶层的天际线)较小时,此属性可为实现全部和部分Skycube实现提供简单而有效的解决方案。另一方面,当最顶层的天际线相对于输入表的大小较大时,事实证明,功能依赖性(数据库中的基本概念)揭示了天际线之间的单调属性。配备了此信息,我们表明,封闭属性集对于部分和完整的Skycube实现是至关重要的。使用真实和合成数据集进行的大量实验表明,我们的解决方案通常优于最新算法。



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