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Introduction to the Special Issue: Recent Advances in Information Processing and Access for Japanese


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This Special Issue of ACM TALIP features recent advances in information processing and access for Japanese. While TALIP has already been recognized as a representative journal covering Asian language information processing, the number of submissions related to Japanese language processing has been limited compared with language processing of other Asian languages. One of the reasons could be that there are already several publication sources for work on Japanese language processing in Japan. Since Japanese is one of major Asian languages and shares various characteristics with other languages, it is important to promote more publications on Japanese language processing from researchers in Japan through more internationally accessible channels.
机译:本期《 ACM TALIP》特刊介绍了日语信息处理和访问方面的最新进展。尽管TALIP已经被公认为涵盖亚洲语言信息处理的代表性期刊,但是与其他亚洲语言的语言处理相比,与日语语言处理有关的投稿数量受到限制。原因之一可能是日本已经有一些出版物出版了有关日语处理的文章。由于日语是亚洲主要语言之一,并且具有与其他语言相同的各种特征,因此重要的是,应通过更多国际可访问的渠道,促使日本的研究人员推广更多有关日语处理的出版物。



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