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Safety Impacts Due To The Incompatibility Of Suvs, Minivans, And Pickup Trucks In Two-vehicle Collisions


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This research sets out to estimate the effects of vehicle incompatibility on the risk of death or major injury to drivers involved in two-vehicle collisions. Based on data for 2,999,395 drivers, logistic regression was used to model the risk of driver death or major injury (defined has being hospitalized). Our analyses show that pickup trucks, minivans and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) are more aggressive than cars for the driver of the other vehicle and more protective for their own drivers. The effect of the pickups is more pronounced in terms of aggressivity. The point estimates are comparable to those in the Toy and Hammitt study [Toy, E.L., Hammitt, J.K., 2003. Safety impacts of SUVs, minivans, and pickup trucks in two-vehicle crashes. Risk Analysis 23, 641 -650], but, in contrast to that study, we are now able to establish that a greater number of these effects are statistically significant with a larger sample size. Like vehicle mass and type, other characteristics of drivers and the circumstances of the collision influence the driver's condition after impact. Male drivers, older drivers, drivers who are not wearing safety belts, collisions occurring in a higher speed zone and head-on collisions significantly increase the risk of death. Except for the driver's sex, all of these categories are also associated with an increased risk of death or of being hospitalized after being involved in a two-vehicle collision. For this risk, a significant increase is associated with female drivers.
机译:这项研究着手估计车辆不兼容对两车相撞驾驶员死亡或重大伤害风险的影响。基于2,999,395位驾驶员的数据,使用逻辑回归模型对驾驶员死亡或重大伤害的风险进行建模(定义已住院)。我们的分析表明,皮卡车,小型货车和运动型多功能车(SUV)对于其他车辆的驾驶员而言比汽车更具侵略性,并且对自己的驾驶员更具保护作用。拾音器的效果在攻击性方面更为明显。该点的估计值与Toy and Hammitt研究中的估计值相当[Toy,E.L.,Hammitt,J.K.,2003年。SUV,小型货车和皮卡车在两车相撞时的安全影响。 Risk Analysis 23,641 -650],但是,与该研究相比,我们现在能够确定,随着样本数量的增加,这些影响中的更大数量在统计上也很显着。像车辆的质量和类型一样,驾驶员的其他特征和碰撞情况也会影响驾驶员碰撞后的状况。男性驾驶员,老年驾驶员,不系安全带的驾驶员,在高速区发生的碰撞以及正面碰撞大大增加了死亡风险。除了驾驶员的性别外,所有这些类别都与两车相撞后死亡或住院的风险增加有关。对于这种风险,女性驾驶员会大大增加。



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