首页> 外文期刊>Accident Analysis and Prevention >Digit ratio (2D:4D) is associated with traffic violations for male frequent car drivers

Digit ratio (2D:4D) is associated with traffic violations for male frequent car drivers


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Digit ratio (2D:4D) is a putative marker of prenatal hormone exposure. A lower digit ratio has been suggested as an index of higher testosterone relative to estrogen exposure during prenatal development. Digit ratio has been associated with a variety of psychological sex-dimorphic variables, including spatial orientation, aggression, or risk-taking behavior. The present study aimed to relate digit ratio to traffic violations for a male sample (N= 77) of frequent car drivers. Digit ratio was assessed via printout scans of the hand, and traffic offense behavior was assessed via self-reported penalty points as registered by the Central Register of Traffic Offenders in Germany. In addition, social desirability and sensation seeking were recorded. Results showed that digit ratio was inversely related to penalty point entries, suggesting more traffic violations for individuals with higher prenatal testosterone exposure. Sensation seeking was positively associated with traffic violations, but there was no relationship between sensation seeking and digit ratio, proposing additive effects of both variables. The results suggest that prenatal androgen exposure might be related to traffic violations for frequent car drivers.
机译:位数比(2D:4D)是产前激素暴露的推定指标。在产前发育期间,相对于雌激素暴露,较低的数字比例已被认为是较高的睾丸激素指标。数位比已与多种心理性别-双态变量相关联,包括空间取向,攻击性或冒险行为。本研究旨在将频繁驾驶的男性样本(N = 77)中的数字比率与交通违章相关联。数字比率是通过对手的打印输出扫描进行评估的,而交通违法行为是通过德国交通违法者中央登记处登记的自我报告的罚分进行评估的。此外,还记录了人们的社会渴望和寻求感觉。结果表明,数字比率与罚分条目成反比,表明产前睾丸激素暴露量较高的个人交通违法行为更多。感觉寻求与交通违规成正相关,但是感觉寻求与数字比例之间没有关系,提出了两个变量的累加效应。结果表明,产前雄激素暴露可能与频繁开车的人违反交通法规有关。



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