首页> 外文期刊>エネルギー·資源学会研究発表会講演論文要旨集 >Optimal Design and Management of Distributed Energy Network Considering both Efficiency and Fairness

Optimal Design and Management of Distributed Energy Network Considering both Efficiency and Fairness


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In this paper, based on the principle of complementation, interaction and mutual benefit of distributed energy prosumers, anintegrated analytical framework considering both overall efficiency and individual fairness is proposed for the optimal decisionmakingof the distributed energy network integrating both electric and thermal interchanges. Firstly, from the viewpoint ofoverall efficiency, a collaborative optimization model is developed for the determination of system configuration, operatingstrategy, as well as layout of energy interchanging network. Following which, from the viewpoint of fairness of prosumers, aprofit allocation model is proposed based on the cooperative game theory. By employing the Core and Shapely Value methods,the corresponding profit allocation measure can be determined while considering both aspects of stability and fairness.According to the simulation results of a numerical study, the energy interchange among prosumers may result in not onlyeconomic, but also energy and environmental benefits compared with the situation without energy interaction. In addition, byemploying the Shapely value method, a sole profit allocation strategy can be determined based on the contribution of eachprosumer on the whole network, which may achieve a win-win result of both individual and overall interests.



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