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Autism, “Recovery (to Normalcy),” and the Politics of Hope


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This article draws on the traditions of critical discourse analysis (N. Fairclough, 1995, 2001; M. Foucault, 1972, 1980; J. P. Gee, 1999) in critically examining the discursive formation of “recovery” from autism in applied behavioral analysis (ABA) discourse and its relationship to constructs of hope. Constituted principally in the work of O. I. Lovaas (1987) and C. Maurice (1993), and central to ABA discourse on recovery, has been the construction of a particular vision of hope that has at least 2 integral conceptual elements: (a) Hope for recovery within ABA discourse is constructed in binary opposition to hopelessness, and (b) recovery within ABA discourse is discursively constructed as “recovery (to normalcy).” The author analyzes these 2 pivotal ABA texts within the context of an analysis of other uses of the term recovery in broader bodies of literature: (a) within prior autism-related literature, particularly autobiography, and (b) within literature emanating from the psychiatric survivors' movement. If, indeed, visions of hope inform educational policy and decision making, this analysis addresses S. Danforth's (1997) cogent query, “On what basis hope?”, and asserts that moral and political commitments should be central sources of visions of hope and, therefore, inform educational policy and decision making for young children with labels of autism.
机译:本文借鉴批判性话语分析的传统(N. Fairclough,1995,2001; M。Foucault,1972,1980; JP Gee,1999)批判性地研究了应用行为分析(ABA)中自闭症的“恢复”的话语形成。 )话语及其与希望建构的关系。 ABA主要是关于OI Lovaas(1987)和C. Maurice(1993)的工作,是ABA关于恢复的论述的核心,它是一种特殊的希望愿景的构建,该愿景至少具有两个不可或缺的概念性要素: ABA话语中的恢复被构造为与绝望的二元对立,并且(b)ABA话语中的恢复被话语性地构造为“恢复(恢复常态)”。作者在更广泛的文献中对术语“恢复”的其他用途进行分析的背景下分析了这2个关键的ABA文本:(a)在与自闭症相关的文献中,特别是在自传方面,以及(b)在精神病学方面的文献中幸存者的运动。如果的确,希望的愿景为教育政策和决策提供了信息,那么本分析将解决S. Danforth(1997)令人信服的询问:“希望基于什么基础?”,并断言道德和政治承诺应是希望和愿景的核心资源。因此,请告知带有自闭症标签的幼儿的教育政策和决策。



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