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Biodiversity of Klebsormidium (Streptophyta) from alpine biological soil crusts (Alps Tyrol Austria and Italy)




Forty Klebsormidium strains isolated from soil crusts of mountain regions (Alps, 600–3,000 m elevation) were analyzed. The molecular phylogeny (internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequences) showed that these strains belong to clades B/C, D, E, and F. Seven main (K. flaccidum, K. elegans, K. crenulatum, K. dissectum, K. nitens, K. subtile, and K. fluitans) and four transitional morphotypes (K. cf. flaccidum, K. cf. nitens, K. cf. subtile, and K. cf. fluitans) were identified. Most strains belong to clade E, which includes isolates that prefer humid conditions. One representative of the xerophytic lineage (clade F) as well as few isolates characteristic of temperate conditions (clades B/C, D) were found. Most strains of clade E were isolated from low/middle elevations (<1,800 m above sea level; a.s.l.) in the pine‐forest zone. Strains of clades B/C, D, and F occurred sporadically at higher elevations (1,548–2,843 m a.s.l.), mostly under xerophytic conditions of alpine meadows. Comparison of the alpine Klebsormidium assemblage with data from other biogeographic regions indicated similarity with soil crusts/biofilms from terrestrial habitats in mixed forest in Western Europe, North America, and Asia, as well as walls of buildings in Western European cities. The alpine assemblage differed substantially from crusts from granite outcrops and sand dunes in Eastern Europe (Ukraine), and fundamentally from soil crusts in South African drylands. Epitypification of the known species K. flaccidum, K. crenulatum, K. subtile, K. nitens, K. dissectum, K. fluitans, K. mucosum, and K. elegans is proposed to establish taxonomic names and type material as an aid for practical studies on these algae, as well as for unambiguous identification of alpine strains. New combination Klebsormidium subtile (Kützing) Mikhailyuk, Glaser, Holzinger et Karsten comb. nov. is made.
机译:分析了从山区(阿尔卑斯山,海拔600–3,000 m)的土壤壳中分离出的40种Klebsormidium菌株。分子系统发育(内部转录间隔区rDNA序列)表明,这些菌株属于进化枝B / C,D,E和F.七个主要物种(K.flaccidum,K.elegans,K.crenulatum,K.dissectum,K.nitens) ,K。subtile和K. fluitans)和四种过渡形态型(K. cf. flaccidum,K。cf. nitens,K。cf. subtile和K. cf. fluitans)被确定。大多数菌株属于进化枝E,其中包括偏爱潮湿环境的分离株。发现了旱生世系的一个代表(F系)以及温带条件特征的分离株(B / C,D系)。进化枝E的大多数菌株是从松树林带的低/中海拔(海拔高度<1,800m; a.s.l.)中分离出来的。进化枝B / C,D和F偶发出现在较高的海拔(1,548–2,843 m.s.l.),主要是在高山草甸的旱生条件下发生的。高山组合与其他生物地理区域数据的比较表明,该地块与西欧,北美和亚洲混交林中陆地生境的地壳/生物膜相似,并且与西欧的建筑物墙壁相似欧洲城市。高山组合与东欧(乌克兰)的花岗岩露头和沙丘的结壳大不相同,并且根本上与南非干旱地区的土壤结皮不同。已知物种 K的表观化。 flaccidum C.ulenulatum K.subtile K.nitens dissectum K.fluitans K.mucosum, K。提议使用秀丽线虫建立分类学名称和类型材料,以帮助对这些藻类进行实际研究以及明确鉴定高山菌株。新组合克雷伯氏菌(Kützing)Mikhailyuk,Glaser,Holzinger和Karsten梳子。十一月制造。



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