首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Wiley-Blackwell Online Open >T‐type calcium channels contribute to NMDA receptor independent synaptic plasticity in hippocampal regular‐spiking oriens‐alveus interneurons

T‐type calcium channels contribute to NMDA receptor independent synaptic plasticity in hippocampal regular‐spiking oriens‐alveus interneurons

机译:T型钙通道有助于海马规则加长的Oriens-Alveus interneurons的NMDA受体非依赖性突触可塑性



Key points class="unordered" style="list-style-type:disc" id="tjp12246-list-0001">Regular‐spiking interneurons in the hippocampal stratum oriens exhibit a form of long‐term potentiation of excitatory transmission that is independent of NMDA receptors but requires co‐activation of Ca2+‐permeable AMPA receptors and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors.We show that T‐type Ca2+ channels are present in such interneurons.Blockade of T‐type currents prevents the induction of long‐term potentiation, and also interferes with long‐lasting potentiation induced either by postsynaptic trains of action potentials or by pairing postsynaptic hyperpolarization with activation of group I metabotropic receptors.Several Ca2+ sources thus converge on the induction of NMDA receptor independent synaptic plasticity.
机译:关键点 class =“ unordered” style =“ list-style-type:disc” id =“ tjp12246-list-0001”> <!-list-behavior = unordered prefix-word = mark-type = disc max- label-size = 0-> 海马层中规则加标的中间神经元表现出一种长期的兴奋性传递增强形式,其独立于NMDA受体,但需要共激活Ca 2+ < / sup>-渗透性AMPA受体和I类代谢型谷氨酸受体。 我们证明了在此类中间神经元中存在T型Ca 2 + 通道。
  • T型电流的封锁阻止了长时程增强的诱导,并且还干扰了由突触后的一系列动作电位或将突触后的超极化与I类代谢型受体的激活配对而引起的持久的增强。 < li>几个Ca 2 + 来源因此集中于诱导NMDA受体独立的突触可塑性。
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