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Covers universal portfolio stochastic portfolio theory and the numéraire portfolio




Cover's celebrated theorem states that the long‐run yield of a properly chosen “universal” portfolio is almost as good as that of the best retrospectively chosen constant rebalanced portfolio. The “universality” refers to the fact that this result is model‐free, that is, not dependent on an underlying stochastic process. We extend Cover's theorem to the setting of stochastic portfolio theory: the market portfolio is taken as the numéraire, and the rebalancing rule need not be constant anymore but may depend on the current state of the stock market. By fixing a stochastic model of the stock market this model‐free result is complemented by a comparison with the numéraire portfolio. Roughly speaking, under appropriate assumptions the asymptotic growth rate coincides for the three approaches mentioned in the title of this paper. We present results in both discrete and continuous time.
机译:盖夫的著名定理指出,经过适当选择的“通用”投资组合的长期收益几乎与最佳回顾性选择的恒定再平衡投资组合的长期收益一样好。 “通用性”指的是该结果是无模型的,即不依赖于基础随机过程。我们将Cover的定理扩展到随机投资组合理论的设置:将市场投资组合视为数字,并且再平衡规则不再是恒定的,而是可能取决于股票市场的当前状态。通过固定股票市场的随机模型,该无模型结果可通过与numéraire投资组合进行比较得到补充。粗略地说,在适当的假设下,本文标题中提到的三种方法的渐近增长率一致。我们提出了离散时间和连续时间的结果。



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