首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Veterinary Medicine International >Serum Symmetric Dimethylarginine as an Early Marker of Excretory Dysfunction in Canine Leishmaniosis (L. infantum) Induced Nephropathy

Serum Symmetric Dimethylarginine as an Early Marker of Excretory Dysfunction in Canine Leishmaniosis (L. infantum) Induced Nephropathy




The aims of the study were to determine whether symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) was increased in dogs with leishmaniosis and to assess its relationship with creatinine concentration and urinary protein : creatinine ratio (UPC) to determine its utility as a marker of early excretory dysfunction. Fifty-three dogs with leishmaniosis classified according to the LeishVet clinical staging (stage I, n = 5, stage II, n = 30; stage III, n = 12; stage IV, n = 6) were selected and compared with 41 clinically healthy dogs. Thirty-nine dogs with leishmaniosis were also followed up for six months. SDMA concentrations on the day of diagnosis were significantly higher in dogs with leishmaniosis with respect to control dogs and in dogs from LeishVet stage IV when compared with the other stages. Increased UPC (>0.5), SDMA (>19 μg/dL), and creatinine concentrations (≥1.4 mg/dL) were found in 47.1%, 15.1%, and 9.4% of dogs with leishmaniosis, respectively. SDMA concentration was increased in 24% of proteinuric dogs, in 7% of nonproteinuric dogs, and in four of five dogs with increased creatinine. SDMA concentration ≥ 25 μg/dL was associated with clinical chronic kidney disease (CKD) after six months. Our results did not demonstrate advantages in using SDMA concentration as an early marker of CKD when compared to creatinine and UPC in canine leishmaniosis.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定对称性二甲基精氨酸(SDMA)是否在利什曼病的犬中增加,并评估其与肌酐浓度和尿蛋白:肌酐比率(UPC)的关系,以确定其作为早期排泄功能障碍的标志物。选择53只根据LeishVet临床分期分类的利什曼病狗(I期,n = 5,II期,n = 30; III期,n = 12; IV期,n = 6),并与41名临床健康的狗进行比较小狗。还对39只利什曼病的狗进行了六个月的随访。与其他阶段相比,利什曼病的犬在诊断当天的SDMA浓度要明显高于对照犬和LeishVet IV期犬。在利什曼病的狗中,分别发现UPC(> 0.5),SDMA(>19μg/ dL)和肌酸酐浓度(≥1.4μmg/ dL)升高,分别为47.1%,15.1%和9.4%。 SDMA浓度在24%的蛋白尿犬,7%的非蛋白尿犬以及5个肌酐增加的犬中有4个升高。 SDMA浓度≥25μg/ dL与六个月后的临床慢性肾脏病(CKD)相关。我们的结果并未证明在犬利什曼病中使用SDMA浓度作为CKD的早期标志物与肌酐和UPC相比具有优势。



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