class='kwd-title'>Keywords: microRNA, Organic so'/> Circulating microRNAs as potential biomarkers of occupational exposure to low dose organic solvents
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Toxicology Reports >Circulating microRNAs as potential biomarkers of occupational exposure to low dose organic solvents

Circulating microRNAs as potential biomarkers of occupational exposure to low dose organic solvents




class="kwd-title">Keywords: microRNA, Organic solvent, Occupational exposure, Biological monitoring class="head no_bottom_margin" id="abs0015title">AbstractCirculating microRNAs (miRNAs) have been recently acknowledged as novel and non-invasive biomarkers of exposure to environmental and occupational hazardous substances. This preliminary study investigates the potential role of blood miRNAs as molecular biomarkers of exposure to the most common organic solvents (ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene) used in the shipyard painting activity. Despite the low number of recruited workers, a two-tail standard Students’ test with Holm-Bonferroni adjusted p-value shows a significant up-regulation of two miRNAs (miR_6819_5p and miR_6778_5p) in exposed workers with respect to controls. A correlation analysis between miRNA, differentially expressed in exposed workers and in controls and urinary dose biomarkers i.e. methylhyppuric acid (xylenes metabolite), phenylglyoxylic and mandelic acid (ethylbenzene metabolites) S-benzyl mercapturic acid (toluene metabolite) and S-phenylmercapturic acid (benzene metabolite) measured at the end of the work-shift, allowed the identification of high correlation (0.80-0.99) of specific miRNAs with their respective urinary metabolites. MiRNA_671_5p correlated with methylhippuric, S-phenylmercapturic and S-benzyl mercapturic acid while the miRNA best correlating with the phenylglioxylic acid was miRNA_937_5p. These findings suggest miRNA as sensitive biomarkers of low dose exposure to organic chemicals used at workplace. Urinary DNA and RNA repair biomarkers coming from the oxidation product of guanine have been also associated to the different miRNAs. A significant negative association was found between 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoGua) urinary concentration and miR_6778_5p. The findings of the present pilot study deserve to be tested on a larger population with the perspective of designing a miRNA based test of low dose exposure to organic solvents.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字: microRNA,有机溶剂,职业暴露,生物监测 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“摘要循环微RNA(miRNA)最近被公认为是暴露于环境和职业有害物质中的新颖且非侵入性的生物标志物。这项初步研究调查了血液miRNA作为暴露于造船厂喷漆活动中使用的最常见有机溶剂(乙苯,甲苯,二甲苯)的分子生物标志物的潜在作用。尽管招募的工人数量很少,但采用Holm-Bonferroni调整后的p值进行的两尾标准学生检验显示,与对照组相比,裸露工人的两个miRNA(miR_6819_5p和miR_6778_5p)显着上调。在裸露的工人和对照组中差异表达的miRNA与尿液生物标志物之间的相关性分析,即甲基羟尿酸(二甲苯代谢物),苯乙醛酸和扁桃酸(乙苯代谢物),S-苄基巯基酸(甲苯代谢物)和S-苯巯基酸(苯)轮班结束时测量的代谢产物)可以鉴定出特定miRNA与它们各自的尿代谢产物之间的高度相关性(0.80-0.99)。 MiRNA_671_5p与甲基马尿酸,S-苯基巯基和S-苄基巯基酸相关,而与苯基乙二酸最佳相关的miRNA是miRNA_937_5p。这些发现表明,miRNA是低剂量暴露于工作场所使用的有机化学品的敏感生物标志物。来自鸟嘌呤氧化产物的尿液DNA和RNA修复生物标志物也已与不同的miRNA相关。在8-氧代-7,8-二氢鸟嘌呤(8-氧代瓜)尿液浓度与miR_6778_5p之间发现了显着的负相关性。从设计基于miRNA的低剂量有机溶剂暴露测试的角度来看,当前的初步研究结果值得在更大的人群中进行测试。



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