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A Universal Animal Welfare Framework for Zoos




The Detroit Zoological Society's (DZS) Center for Zoo Animal Welfare (CZAW) was created to advance the science and policy of the welfare of exotic nonhuman animals in captivity. This important part of the DZS mission is achieved through assessments of, and research on, the welfare of animals in zoos; by recognizing extraordinary achievement in the advancement of animal welfare; by widely sharing knowledge through a bibliographic resource center; by conducting professional training for animal care staff; and by convening important discussions in the form of international symposia. This special issue of the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science features selected papers from the most recent international CZAW symposium held at the Detroit Zoo in November 2014, as well as a universal framework for zoo animal welfare developed by the DZS.
机译:底特律动物园协会(DZS)动物园动物福利中心(CZAW)的成立是为了推动圈养非人类外来动物福利的科学和政策。 DZS任务的这一重要部分是通过对动物园中动物的福利进行评估和研究来实现的;通过认可在促进动物福利方面的非凡成就;通过书目资源中心广泛共享知识;通过对动物护理人员进行专业培训;并以国际专题讨论会的形式召开重要讨论。该期《应用动物福利科学杂志》特刊刊登了2014年11月在底特律动物园举行的国际CZAW最新国际研讨会的部分论文,以及DZS制定的动物园动物福利通用框架。



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