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Changing what it means to ‘become a man’: participants’ reflections on a school-based programme to redefine masculinity in the Balkans




Calls to engage men and boys in efforts to promote health, prevent violence and advance gender equality have grown in recent years. However, there remains little evidence or reflection on how most effectively to change harmful norms related to masculinity. The study addresses this gap by exploring the perspectives of participants in the Young Men Initiative (YMI), an innovative programme that aimed to promote healthier masculinities among boys attending vocational high schools in several Balkan countries through educational workshops, residential retreats and a social marketing campaign. Qualitative data were collected through 37 in-depth interviews and 11 focus-group discussions with boys, youth facilitators and teachers. Findings from four schools (in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Prishtina and Zagreb) suggest that several elements of the programme resonated strongly with participants and supported their meaningful engagement in project activities. Five themes emerged as most salient in identifying how and why specific aspects of YMI positively influenced participants: personal reflection, experience-based learning, connections with youth facilitators, new peer groups and aspirational messaging. Building on these insights, the study highlights potentially useful strategies for other programmes seeking to reach boys and transform their understanding of masculinity.
机译:近年来,越来越多的要求使男孩和男孩参与促进健康,预防暴力和促进性别平等的努力。但是,关于如何最有效地改变与男子气概有关的有害规范的证据或反思很少。该研究通过探索青年计划(YMI)参与者的观点来解决这一差距,青年计划是一项创新计划,旨在通过教育讲习班,住宅静修会和社会营销活动,促进在巴尔干几个国家的职业中学就读的男孩中更健康的男性气质。 。通过与男孩,青年促进者和老师进行的37次深度访谈和11次焦点小组讨论,收集了定性数据。来自四所学校(贝尔格莱德,萨拉热窝,普里什蒂纳和萨格勒布)的调查结果表明,该计划的几个要素与参与者产生了强烈共鸣,并支持他们有意义地参与项目活动。在确定YMI的特定方面如何以及为什么对参与者产生积极影响方面,最突出的五个主题是:个人反思,基于经验的学习,与青年促进者的联系,新的同龄群体和理想的信息传递。在这些见解的基础上,该研究突出了其他项目的潜在有用策略,这些项目旨在影响男孩并转变他们对男性气概的理解。



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