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Of neoliberalism and global health: human capital market failure and sin/social taxes




This article tells a different but equally important story about neoliberalism and global health than the narrative on structural adjustment policies usually found in the literature. Rather than focus on macroeconomic structural adjustment policies, this story draws our attention to microeconomic taxation policies on tobacco, alcohol and sugar now widely recognised as the best strategy to control the global non-communicable disease epidemic. Structural adjustment policies are the product of the shift from statist to market-based development models, which was brought about by neoliberal thinkers like Peter Blau and Deepak Lal. In contrast, taxation policies are the result of a different epistemological rupture in international development: the move from economies and physical capital to people and human capital, advocated by Gary Becker and others. This move was part of wider change, which saw Chicago School economists, under the influence of rational choice theory, redefine the object of their discipline, from the study of markets to individual choices. It was this concern with people and their choices that made it possible for Becker and others to identify the importance of price for the demand for tobacco, alcohol and sugar. The same concern also made it easier for them to recognise that there were inefficiencies in the tobacco, alcohol and sugar markets that required government intervention. This story, I suggest, shows that structural adjustment policies and pro-market ideology do not exhaust the relationship between neoliberalism and global health and should not monopolise how we, as political and social scientists, conceive it.
机译:这篇文章讲述了关于新自由主义和全球健康的另一个但同样重要的故事,与通常在文献中有关结构调整政策的叙述相比。这个故事不是关注宏观经济结构调整政策,而是引起我们对烟草,酒精和糖的微观经济税收政策的关注,这些政策现已被广泛认为是控制全球非传染病流行的最佳策略。结构调整政策是从统计学家转向以市场为基础的发展模式的产物,这是由新自由主义思想家彼得·布劳和迪帕克·拉尔等提出的。相反,税收政策是国际发展中另一种认识论破裂的结果:加里•贝克尔(Gary Becker)等人倡导的从经济和物质资本向人力和人力资本的转变。此举是更广泛变革的一部分,该变革使芝加哥学校的经济学家在理性选择理论的影响下,重新定义了其学科的对象,从市场研究到个人选择。正是由于人们及其选择的关注,贝克尔和其他人才有可能确定价格对烟草,酒精和糖的需求的重要性。同样的担忧也使他们更容易意识到烟草,酒精和糖市场效率低下,需要政府干预。我建议,这个故事表明,结构调整政策和亲市场意识形态并不会耗尽新自由主义与全球健康之间的关系,也不应垄断我们作为政治和社会科学家的构想。



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