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Looming sounds enhance orientation sensitivity for visual stimuli on the same side as such sounds




Several recent multisensory studies show that sounds can influence visual processing. Some visual judgments can be enhanced for visual stimuli near a sound occurring around the same time. A recent TMS study (Romei et al. ) indicates looming sounds might influence visual cortex particularly strongly. But unlike most previous behavioral studies of possible audio–visual exogenous effects, TMS phosphene thresholds rather than judgments of external visual stimuli were measured. Moreover, the visual hemifield assessed relative to the hemifield of the sound was not varied. Here, we compared the impact of looming sounds to receding or “static” sounds, using auditory stimuli adapted from Romei et al. (), but now assessing any influence on visual orientation discrimination for Gabor patches (well-known to involve early visual cortex) when appearing in the same hemifield as the sound or on the opposite side. The looming sounds that were effective in Romei et al. () enhanced visual orientation sensitivity (d′) here on the side of the sound, but not for the opposite hemifield. This crossmodal, spatially specific effect was stronger for looming than receding or static sounds. Similarly to Romei et al. (), the differential effect for looming sounds was eliminated when using white noise rather than structured sounds. Our new results show that looming structured sounds can specifically benefit visual orientation sensitivity in the hemifield of the sound, even when the sound provides no information about visual orientation itself.
机译:最近的几项多感官研究表明,声音会影响视觉处理。一些视觉判断可以增强对大约在同一时间出现的声音附近的视觉刺激。 TMS的最新研究(Romei等人)表明,隐隐约约的声音可能会特别强烈地影响视觉皮层。但是,与以往大多数关于可能的视听外源效应的行为研究不同,TMS磷光体阈值而非外部视觉刺激的判断是测量的。而且,相对于声音的半场评估的视觉半场没有变化。在这里,我们使用罗密(Romei)等人的听觉刺激,比较了逼近声音与后退或“静态”声音的影响。 (),但现在评估出现在与声音相同的半场或相反侧时,对Gabor面片(众所周知的涉及早期视觉皮层)的视觉取向辨别力的任何影响。在Romei等人看来有效的隐约声音。 ()在声音的一侧增强了视觉定向灵敏度(d'),但对相反的半场则没有。这种隐蔽的,在空间上产生的特定效果比后退或静态声音更强。与Romei等类似。 (),使用白噪声而不是结构化声音时,消除了隐约声音的差异效果。我们的新结果表明,即使声音没有提供有关视觉方向本身的信息,隐约可见的结构化声音也可以特别有益于声音半场中的视觉方向敏感性。



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