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Trendwatcher or trendsetter; 50 years of MTAA

机译:趋势观察者或趋势引领者; MTAA 50年



The development on neutron activation analysis (NAA) into a technique of practical interest effectively started about 60 years ago, when nuclear reactors became available and widely accessible as intense sources of neutrons. During 50 out these 60 years, the series of Modern Trends in Activation Analysis (MTAA) Conferences acted as a true companion and facilitator of this growth. As trendwatcher they signalized the many initiatives that contributed to the development of activation analysis and its applications. A period has come to an end of impressive development resulting from sometimes revolutionary changes in radiation detection and data processing, and much improved irradiation facilities, NAA has reached a full stage of development, with emphasis on routine application and with remaining developments of in marginal impact. NAA is being challenged increasingly in the last 30 years by alternative techniques for multi trace element analysis. The MTAA Conference and with it the ICAA, the International Committee on Activation Analysis, can play an important and active role in this process of identifying and selecting key areas, and even promoting concerted action in those areas. Such an evolution of focus from retrospective to prospective, from trendwatcher to trendsetter, may well allow the MTAA Conference to continue and even expand its role in future development of NAA and its applications. The ideas about the future of the MTAA Conferences and its organization are elaborated upon and some possible subjects for focused development activities are indicated.
机译:将中子活化分析(NAA)发展成为一种具有实际意义的技术实际上是在60年前开始的,当时核反应堆作为中子的强烈来源变得可以得到广泛使用。在这60年中的50年中,一系列的激活分析现代趋势(MTAA)会议充当了这一增长的真正伴侣和推动者。作为趋势观察者,他们提出了许多有助于激活分析及其应用程序开发的计划。由于辐射检测和数据处理有时会发生革命性的变化以及辐照设施的不断改进,令人印象深刻的发展已经到了一段时期,NAA已经进入了整个发展阶段,重点是常规应用和边际影响的剩余发展。 。在过去的30年中,NAA面临着多种痕量元素分析的替代技术越来越多的挑战。 MTAA会议以及ICAA(国际激活分析委员会)可以在确定和选择关键领域甚至促进这些领域的一致行动的过程中发挥重要作用。从回顾到预期,从趋势观察者到趋势引领者的关注重点的这种演变,很可能使MTAA会议得以继续,甚至扩大其在NAA及其应用的未来发展中的作用。详细阐述了关于MTAA大会及其组织的未来的构想,并指出了一些针对性发展活动的可能主题。



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