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Two Sides of the Same Coin: Cannabis Dependence and Mental Health Problems in Help-Seeking Adolescent and Young Adult Outpatients




The aim of the current study was to delineate the psychiatric profile of cannabis dependent young people (14–29 years old) with mental health problems (N = 36) seeking treatment via a research study. To do so, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Childhood Diagnoses were used to obtain DSM-IV diagnoses, while a modified Timeline Followback interview and self-reports were used to measure cannabis use, cannabis-related problems, and impairment. Most individuals had at least two Axis I disorders in addition to cannabis dependence. Anxiety disorders were common, with posttraumatic stress disorder, social phobia, and generalised anxiety disorder accounting for the majority of these diagnoses. On average, young people reported a moderate degree of dependence and functional impairment, and a substantial number of cannabis-related problems. Although both males and females reported using similar quantities of cannabis per month, females reported using cannabis more frequently than males. The current data suggest that young people who present for cannabis use treatment in the context of a mental health issue may have a variety of psychiatric problems that need addressed and that males and females may have slightly different profiles. If cannabis use treatments are to advance for this population, more attention needs to be paid to the complex issues that young people present to treatment with.
机译:当前研究的目的是通过研究研究来描述患有精神健康问题(N = 36)的依赖大麻的年轻人(14-29岁)的精神病学特征。为此,使用DSM-IV-TR轴I障碍的结构化临床访谈和DSM-IV儿童期诊断的结构化临床访谈来获得DSM-IV的诊断,同时使用修改后的时间表回访访谈和自我报告来衡量大麻的使用,与大麻有关的问题和损害。除了大麻依赖以外,大多数人还患有至少两种轴心病。焦虑症很常见,创伤后应激障碍,社交恐惧症和广泛性焦虑症占这些诊断的大部分。平均而言,年轻人报告了中等程度的依赖和功能障碍以及大量与大麻有关的问题。尽管男性和女性每月都报告使用相似数量的大麻,但是女性报告的大麻使用率高于男性。当前数据表明,在精神健康问题的背景下就医使用大麻的年轻人可能会遇到各种需要解决的精神病问题,而且男性和女性的性格可能略有不同。如果要为该人群推广使用大麻的治疗方法,则需要更多地关注年轻人提出的复杂问题。



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