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Aristotle’s Theory of Deviance and Contemporary Symbolic Interactionist Scholarship: Learning from the Past Extending the Present and Engaging the Future




Although his work has been largely overlooked by symbolic interactionists and other students of deviance, Aristotle (c384-322BCE) addresses community life, activity, agency, and persuasive interchange in ways that not only are remarkably consistent with contemporary symbolic interactionist approaches to deviance, but that also conceptually inform present day theories of deviance and provide valuable transhistorical comparison points for subsequent analysis. Following (1) a brief overview of an interactionist approach to the study of deviance, attention is given to (2) classical Greek conceptions of good and evil (especially as these are articulated by Plato) before turning more directly to (3) Aristotle’s notions of wrongdoing as this is reflected in his considerations of community, morality, agency, and culpability. While informed by Aristotle’s considerations of causality (as addressed in Physics and Metaphysics), this statement builds most centrally on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Rhetoric. Striving for a broader understanding of deviance as a humanly engaged feature of community life, the paper briefly compares Aristotle’s “theory of deviance” with Prus and Grills () interactionist analysis of deviance. The paper (4) concludes with an assessment of the relative contributions of contemporary interactionist scholarship and Aristotle’s materials for the study of deviance as a community-engaged process.
机译:尽管他的工作在很大程度上被象征性的互动主义者和其他偏差学生所忽视,但亚里斯多德(c384-322BCE)不仅以与当代象征性的互动主义方法相悖的方式处理社区生活,活动,代理和有说服力的交流,而且这在概念上也为当今的偏离理论提供了信息,并为后续分析提供了宝贵的跨历史比较点。继(1)简要介绍了一种相互作用论研究偏差的方法之后,在更直接转向(3)亚里士多德的概念之前,先关注(2)希腊善与恶的概念(尤其是柏拉图阐明的善恶概念)。错误行为,因为这反映在他对社区,道德,代理和罪责的考虑中。在了解了亚里士多德的因果关系(在《物理学和形而上学》中已述及)的同时,该声明最主要地建立在亚里士多德的《尼科马尚伦理学和修辞学》上。为了更广泛地理解偏差是社区生活中人类参与的特征,本文将亚里士多德的“偏差理论”与普鲁斯和格里斯(Prus and Grills)对偏差的互动主义分析进行了简要比较。论文(4)的结论是评估了当代互动主义奖学金和亚里士多德的材料对社区参与过程中的偏差研究的相对贡献。



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