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Quantity and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal storage organs within dead roots




The formation of storage organs, such as spores and vesicles, is a central part of the life cycle of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), but the conditions under which this occurs in AMF are not well understood. Here, quantity and distribution of storage organs formed by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Funneliformis mosseae within dead (excised) roots were characterised. ‘Trap roots’ (TR), separated from the growth substrate by a 30-μm mesh, supported hyphal growth and formation of storage organs of the AMF. Hyphae developed both inside and on the outside of the TR and also within air gaps of surrounding nylon mesh compartments, but formation of vesicles and spores was confined to the interior and to the surface of the TR. Up to 20 % of the TR length harboured newly formed storage organs, resulting in a number of about 60 per mg TR dry weight. The portion of TR length containing storage organs was greater in coarse (diameter >300 μm) than in thin (<150 μm) TR, irrespective of whether the TR were sourced from an AMF host or non-host plant. We conclude that the AMF’s extraradical mycelium produces its storage organs within dead roots in preference to air space in the substrate. Dead roots may indirectly supply nutrients to AMF (once they have been mineralised) or represent a protected space for the fungal structures to develop. The experimental technique described here allows for the preparation of AMF spores and vesicles of F. mosseae free of any mineral substrate.
机译:贮藏器官的形成,例如孢子和小泡,是丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)生命周期的核心部分,但在AMF中发生这种情况的条件尚不清楚。在这里,表征了死根(切除的根)内的丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)漏斗形苔藓形成的贮藏器官的数量和分布。 “诱根”(TR)与生长基质之间有30μm的网孔隔开,支持菌丝生长和AMF储存器官的形成。菌丝在TR的内部和外部以及在周围的尼龙网孔的气隙内均形成,但囊泡和孢子的形成仅限于TR的内部和表面。 TR长度的多达20%包含新形成的存储器官,因此每mg TR干重约有60个。不论TR是来自AMF寄主植物还是非寄主植物,TR包含储藏器官的部分在粗(直径> 300μm)中要大于在薄(<150μm)TR中。我们得出的结论是,AMF的自由基菌丝体优先于基质中的空气空间在死根中产生其储存器官。死根可能会间接向AMF提供营养(一旦它们已经矿化),或者代表真菌结构发育的受保护空间。此处描述的实验技术可用于制备不含任何矿物质基质的F. mosseae的AMF孢子和囊泡。



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