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Validation and Variation of Upper Layer Thickness in South China Sea from Satellite Altimeter Data




Satellite altimeter data from 1993 to 2005 has been used to analyze the seasonal variation and the interannual variability of upper layer thickness (ULT) in the South China Sea (SCS). Base on in-situ measurements, the ULT is defined as the thickness from the sea surface to the depth of 16°C isotherm which is used to validate the result derived from satellite altimeter data. In comparison with altimeter and in-situ derived ULTs yields a correlation coefficient of 0.92 with a slope of 0.95 and an intercept of 6 m. The basin averaged ULT derived from altimeter is 160 m in winter and 171 m in summer which is similar to the in-situ measurements of 159 m in winter and 175 m in summer. Both results also show similar spatial patterns. It suggests that the sea surface height data derived from satellite sensors are usable for study the variation of ULT in the semi-closed SCS. Furthermore, we also use satellite derived ULT to detect the development of eddy. Interannual variability of two meso-scale cyclonic eddies and one anticyclonic eddy are strongly influenced by El Niño events. In most cases, there are highly positive correlations between ULT and sea surface temperature except the periods of El Niño. During the onset of El Niño event, ULT is deeper when sea surface temperature is lower.
机译:利用1993年至2005年的卫星高度计数据分析了南海(SCS)上层厚度(ULT)的季节变化和年际变化。基于原位测量,ULT被定义为从海面到16°C等温线深度的厚度,用于验证从卫星高度计数据得出的结果。与高度计和原位导出的ULT相比,相关系数为0.92,斜率为0.95,截距为6 m。由高度计得出的盆地平均ULT冬季为160 m,夏季为171 m,这与冬季159 m和夏季175 m的现场测量值相似。两种结果都显示出相似的空间格局。这表明,从卫星传感器获得的海面高度数据可用于研究半封闭南海中ULT的变化。此外,我们还使用卫星衍生的ULT来检测涡流的发展。两个中尺度旋风涡和一个反旋风涡的年际变化受到厄尔尼诺事件的强烈影响。在大多数情况下,除了厄尔尼诺现象的时期外,ULT与海表温度之间存在高度正相关。在厄尔尼诺事件发生期间,当海面温度较低时,ULT变深。



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