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Robot Wars: US Empire and geopolitics in the robotic age




How will the robot age transform warfare? What geopolitical futures are being imagined by the US military? This article constructs a robotic futurology to examine these crucial questions. Its central concern is how robots – driven by leaps in artificial intelligence and swarming – are rewiring the spaces and logics of US empire, warfare, and geopolitics. The article begins by building a more-than-human geopolitics to de-center the role of humans in conflict and foreground a worldly understanding of robots. The article then analyzes the idea of US empire, before speculating upon how and why robots are materializing new forms of proxy war. A three-part examination of the shifting spaces of US empire then follows: (1) Swarm Wars explores the implications of miniaturized drone swarming; (2) Roboworld investigates how robots are changing US military basing strategy and producing new topological spaces of violence; and (3) The Autogenic Battle-Site reveals how autonomous robots will produce emergent, technologically event-ful sites of security and violence – revolutionizing the battlespace. The conclusion reflects on the rise of a robotic US empire and its consequences for democracy.
机译:机器人时代将如何改变战争?美军在想象什么地缘政治的未来?本文构建了一个机器人未来学来研究这些关键问题。它的中心问题是,在人工智能和蜂群的推动下,机器人如何重新布线美国帝国,战争和地缘政治的空间和逻辑。本文从建立超越人类的地缘政治开始,以消除人类在冲突中的作用,并展望对机器人的世界了解。然后,在分析机器人如何以及为什么要实现新形式的代理战争之前,本文分析了美国帝国的思想。然后,对美国帝国的变迁空间进行了三部分的考察:(1)群体战争探索了小型无人机群体的意义; (2)Roboworld调查了机器人如何改变基于战略的美军并产生新的暴力拓扑空间; (3)“自动基因战场”揭示了自动机器人将如何产生紧急事件,具有技术事件的安全与暴力场所,从而彻底改变了战斗空间。结论反映了一个机器人帝国的崛起及其对民主的影响。



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