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How to build a fruit: Transcriptomics of a novel fruit type in the Brassiceae




Comparative gene expression studies are invaluable for predicting how existing genetic pathways may be modified or redeployed to produce novel and variable phenotypes. Fruits are ecologically important organs because of their impact on plant fitness and seed dispersal, modifications in which results in morphological variation across species. A novel fruit type in the Brassicaceae known as heteroarthrocarpy enables distinct dispersal methods in a single fruit through segmentation via a lateral joint and variable dehiscence at maturity. Given the close relationship to Arabidopsis, species that exhibit heteroarthrocarpy are powerful models to elucidate how differences in gene expression of a fruit patterning pathway may result in novel fruit types. Transcriptomes of distal, joint, and proximal regions from Erucaria erucarioides and Cakile lanceolata were analyzed to elucidate within fruit and between species differences in whole transcriptome, gene ontology, and fruit patterning expression profiles. Whole transcriptome expression profiles vary between fruit regions in patterns that are consistent with fruit anatomy. These transcriptomic variances do not correlate with changes in gene ontology, as they remain generally stable within and between both species. Upstream regulators in the fruit patterning pathway, FILAMENTOUS FLOWER and YABBY3, are expressed in the distal and proximal regions of E. erucarioides, but not in the joint, implicating alterations in the pathway in heteroarthrocarpic fruits. Downstream gene, INDEHISCENT, is significantly upregulated in the abscissing joint region of C. lanceolata, which suggests repurposing of valve margin genes for novel joint disarticulation in an otherwise indehiscent fruit. In summary, these data are consistent with modifications in fruit patterning genes producing heteroarthrocarpic fruits through different components of the pathway relative to other indehiscent, non-heteroarthrocarpic, species within the family. Our understanding of fruit development in Arabidopsis is now extended to atypical siliques within the Brassicaceae, facilitating future studies on seed shattering in important Brassicaceous crops and pernicious weeds.
机译:比较基因表达研究对于预测如何修改或重新利用现有的遗传途径以产生新的可变表型非常有价值。水果是生态上重要的器官,因为它们对植物适应性和种子传播具有影响,而修饰会导致物种间的形态变异。十字花科的一种新的果实类型,即异果类,可以通过侧向节段的分割和成熟时可变的裂隙,在单个果实中实现独特的分散方法。考虑到与拟南芥的密切关系,表现出异型结实的物种是强有力的模型,可以阐明水果模式途径的基因表达差异如何导致新的水果类型。分析了来自Eerucaria erucarioides和Cakile lanceolata的远端,关节和近端区域的转录组,以阐明果实内部以及整个转录组,基因本体论和果实模式表达谱之间的物种差异。整个转录组表达谱在水果区域之间以与水果解剖结构一致的模式变化。这些转录组变异与基因本体论的变化不相关,因为它们在两个物种之内和之间通常保持稳定。果实构图途径中的上游调节子FILAMENTOUS FLOWER和YABBY3在E. erucarioides的远端和近端区域表达,但在关节中不表达,这暗示杂果类果实中该途径的改变。下游基因INDEHISCENT在轮叶梭菌的脱落关节区域中显着上调,这表明将瓣缘基因重新定位为在其他情况下不裂果中的新型关节分离。总而言之,这些数据与通过相对于该家族中其他不开裂,非杂类结实物种的途径的不同成分产生异类结实果实的果实模式基因的修饰相一致。现在,我们对拟南芥果实发育的了解已扩展到十字花科内的非典型角果树,这为将来对重要十字花科作物和有害杂草的种子破碎的研究提供了便利。



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