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Urbanization may reduce the risk of frost damage to spring flowers: A case study of two shrub species in South Korea




Regional warming, owing to urbanization, leads to earlier spring phenological events and may expose plants to hard freeze damage. This study examined the influence of urbanization on the risk of frost damage to spring flowers in South Korea from 1973 to 2015. For the analysis period, we categorized 25 cities into two groups: those showing rapid population growth (rPG) ≥ 200,000, including 13 cities, and those showing no or decreased population growth (nPG), including 12 cities. We then investigated the time from the last frost dates (LFDs) in spring to the first flowering dates (FFDs) for each group. The rPG group experienced significant spring warming of 0.47°C per decade, resulting in earlier LFDs and FFDs. For this group, the advancement of LFD was more rapid than that of FFD, and the days between these two dates increased from 0.42 to 0.47 days per decade, implying a reduced risk of frost damage. Spring warming and the advancement of FFDs and LFDs were relatively small for the nPG group, and the LFDs were rather delayed. Consequently, the days between LFDs and FFDs were reduced from −1.05 to −1.67 days per decade, indicating an increased risk of frost damage. The contrasting changes in the frost-damage risk between the two city groups can be attributed to distinct urban warming at night, which makes the LFDs substantially earlier in the rPG group. Therefore, this study suggests that the warming associated with urbanization may lessen the risk of spring frost damage to plants in rapidly growing urban areas.
机译:由于城市化,区域变暖导致较早的春季物候事件,并可能使植物遭受坚硬的冻害。这项研究调查了1973年至2015年韩国城市化对霜冻损害春天花朵的风险的影响。在分析期间,我们将25个城市分为两类:人口迅速增长(rPG)≥200,000的城市,包括13个城市包括12个城市在内的城市以及没有或没有下降的人口增长(nPG)的城市。然后,我们调查了每个组从春季的最后霜冻日期(LFDs)到首次开花的日期(FFDs)的时间。 rPG组每十年出现显着的0.47°C的春季变暖,导致了更早的LFD和FFD。对于该组,LFD的发展比FFD的发展更快,并且这两个日期之间的天数从每十年的0.42天增加到0.47天,这意味着霜冻损害的风险降低了。对于nPG组,春季变暖以及FFD和LFD的进展相对较小,而LFD则被推迟了。因此,LFD和FFD之间的间隔时间从每十年-1.05天减少到-1.67天,这表明霜冻风险增加。这两个城市群之间霜冻风险的对比变化可归因于夜间明显的城市变暖,这使得rPGs组中的LFD早得多。因此,这项研究表明,与城市化相关的变暖可以减少春季霜冻对快速增长的城市地区植物造成损害的风险。



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