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Responses of the native species Sparganium angustifolium and the invasive species Egeria densa to warming and interspecific competition

机译:原生种Sparganium angustifolium和入侵种Egeria densa对变暖和种间竞争的响应



Climate change, especially warming temperatures, may increase invasion and modify the ecological impacts of invasive species by enhancing their ability to compete. To test the effects of warming on invasive plants, a mesocosm experiment was conducted to study competition between the invasive plant Egeria densa and the native hygrophyte Sparganium angustifolium under simulated warming conditions in a greenhouse. These two species were grown in monoculture (no competitor control) or mixed culture (competitor control) for two months under different temperature conditions (warming treatment or no-warming treatment). In S. angustifolium, the higher temperatures led to a shorter root length and significantly increased the aboveground traits of ramets, the total biomass, and the RGR (relative growth rate) but had no effect on the aboveground traits of genets. Growth in mixed culture significantly decreased the S. angustifolium ramet height under warmer conditions and significantly reduced the ramet root length, ramet number, genet biomass, root-to-shoot ratio and RGR of S. angustifolium under natural temperature conditions. All the morphological, biomass and growth traits of E. densa except for the root-to-shoot ratio were significantly increased by the warmer temperatures and decreased by growth in mixed culture. The RCI and RII of E. densa in both the no-warming and warmer environments were two and three times greater than those of S. angustifolium, whereas the ACI values for the two species were similar. Thus, S. angustifolium was a better competitor than E. densa under both temperature conditions. These results suggest that although the superior competitive ability of native species can inhibit E. densa growth, the performance of this species will be enhanced under future climate warming in cold regions.
机译:气候变化,尤其是变暖的温度,可能会通过增强其竞争能力来增加入侵并改变入侵物种的生态影响。为了测试变暖对入侵植物的影响,进行了介观实验,研究了在温室模拟变暖条件下,入侵植物Egeria densa与天然水生植物Sparganium angustifolium之间的竞争。这两个物种在不同温度条件下(加温处理或不加温处理)在单一培养(无竞争者控制)或混合培养(竞争者控制)中生长了两个月。在沙门氏菌中,较高的温度导致更短的根长并显着增加分株的地上性状,总生物量和RGR(相对生长率),但对种系的地上性状没有影响。在温度较高的条件下,混合培养的生长显着降低了铁锈沙门氏菌的分株高度,并显着降低了铁锈沙门氏菌的根部长度,分株数,生殖生物量,根茎比和RGR。除根对茎比外,大肠埃希菌的所有形态,生物量和生长性状都随着温度的升高而显着增加,而随着混合培养的生长而降低。在不加温和较热的环境中,E。densa的RCI和RII分别是安氏沙门氏菌的RCI和RII的两倍和三倍,而两个物种的ACI值相似。因此,S。angustifolium比 E 更好。在两个温度条件下 densa 这些结果表明,尽管天然物种的优异竞争能力可以抑制 E densa 的生长,在寒冷地区未来的气候变暖下,该物种的性能将得到增强。



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