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Living different lives: Early social differentiation identified through linking mortuary and isotopic variability in Late Neolithic/ Early Chalcolithic north-central Spain




Variation in burial location and treatment is often observed in the prehistoric archaeological record, but its interpretation is usually highly ambiguous. Biomolecular approaches provide the means of addressing this variability in a way not previously possible, linking the lives of individuals to their funerary treatment. Here, we undertake stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses on a substantial sample of 166 individuals from a series of broadly contemporary Late Neolithic/ Early Chalcolithic (3500 to 2900 cal BC) mortuary monuments (El Sotillo, Alto de la Huesera, Chabola de la Hechicera and Longar) and caves (Las Yurdinas II, Los Husos I and Peña Larga) within a very spatially restricted area of north-central Spain, with sites separated by no more than 10 km on average. This spatial and temporal proximity allows us to focus on the question at the appropriate scale of analysis, avoiding confounding variables such as environmental change, diachronic trends in the subsistence economy, etc. The results demonstrate a statistically significant difference in human δ13C values between those interred in caves and those placed in monuments. The difference appears to be correlated with fine-grained environmental factors (elevation/ temperature/ precipitation), suggesting that use of the landscape was being divided at a very local scale. The reasons for this partitioning may involve differential social status (e.g. those interred in caves may be of lower standing with more restricted access to the valley’s arable resources) or economic specialization (e.g. upland herding vs. valley farming) within the same community or, alternatively, different populations performing different funerary practices and following distinct subsistence economies in some respect. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the development of social differentiation and community specialisation on the scale of the immediate lived landscape.
机译:在史前考古记录中经常观察到墓葬位置和墓葬的变化,但其解释通常是高度模棱两可的。生物分子方法提供了解决这种变异性的方法,这种方法以前无法实现,将个人的生活与其丧葬治疗联系在一起。在这里,我们对来自一系列广泛的当代晚期新石器时代/早期石器时代(公元前3500至2900 cal))仪馆遗址(El Sotillo,Alto de la Huesera,Chabola de la Hechicera)中的166个人的大量样本进行了稳定的碳和氮同位素分析和Longar)和洞穴(Las Yurdinas II,Los Husos I和PeñaLarga)在西班牙中北部的空间受限区域内,站点之间的平均间隔不超过10公里。这种时空上的接近度使我们能够在适当的分析规模上关注问题,避免混淆变量,例如环境变化,生存经济中的历时趋势等。结果表明,人的δ 13具有统计学上的显着差异 C值介于洞穴和纪念碑之间。差异似乎与细粒度的环境因素(海拔/温度/降水)相关,表明景观的使用在非常局部的范围内被划分。这种划分的原因可能涉及不同的社会地位(例如,陷于洞穴中的人地位较低,对山谷耕地资源的获取受到更多限制)或同一社区内的经济专业化(例如高地牧民与山谷农业) ,不同的人群执行不同的葬礼活动,并且在某些方面遵循不同的生存经济。我们的结果有助于更好地了解即时生活景观的规模上的社会分化和社区专业化。



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