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Phenotypic and Genetic Correlations of Feed Efficiency Traits with Growth and Carcass Traits in Nellore Cattle Selected for Postweaning Weight




This study evaluated phenotypic (rph) and genetic correlations (rg) between 8 feed efficiency traits and other traits of economic interest including weight at selection (WS), loin-eye area (LEA), backfat thickness (BF), and rump fat thickness (RF) in Nellore cattle. Feed efficiency traits were gain:feed, residual feed intake (RFI), residual feed intake adjusted for backfat thickness (RFIb) and for backfat and rump fat thickness (RFIsf), residual body weight gain (RG), residual intake and body weight gain (RIG), and residual intake and body weight gain using RFIb (RIGb) and RFIsf (RIGsf). The variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method using a two-trait animal model. The heritability estimates (h2) were 0.14, 0.24, 0.20, 0.22, 0.19, 0.15, 0.11 and 0.11 for gain:feed, RFI, RFIb, RFIsf, RG, RIG, RIGb and RIGsf, respectively. All rph values between traits were close to zero, except for the correlation of feed efficiency traits with dry matter intake and average daily gain. High rg values were observed for the correlation of dry matter intake, average daily gain and metabolic weight with WS and hip height (>0.61) and low to medium values (0.15 to 0.48) with the carcass traits (LEA, BF, RF). Among the feed efficiency traits, RG showed the highest rg with WS and hip height (0.34 and 0.25) and the lowest rg with subcutaneous fat thickness (-0.17 to 0.18). The rg values of RFI, RFIb and RFIsf with WS (0.17, 0.23 and 0.22), BF (0.37, 0.33 and 0.33) and RF (0.30, 0.31 and 0.32) were unfavorable. The rg values of gain:feed, RIG, RIGb and RIGsf with WS were low and favorable (0.07 to 0.22), while medium and unfavorable (-0.22 to -0.45) correlations were observed with fat thickness. The inclusion of subcutaneous fat thickness in the models used to calculate RFI did not reduce the rg between these traits. Selecting animals for higher feed efficiency will result in little or no genetic change in growth and will decrease subcutaneous fat thickness in the carcass.
机译:这项研究评估了8种饲料效率性状与其他经济利益性状之间的表型(rph)和遗传相关性(rg),包括选择时的体重(WS),牛眼面积(LEA),后脂肪厚度(BF)和臀部脂肪厚度(RF)在内罗尔牛。饲料效率性状得到提高:饲料,残余饲料摄入量(RFI),针对背脂厚度(RFIb)和背脂和臀部脂肪厚度(RFIsf)调整的残余饲料摄入量,残余体重增加(RG),残余摄入量和体重增加(RIG),以及使用RFIb(RIGb)和RFIsf(RIGsf)的剩余摄入量和体重增加。使用两性动物模型通过限制最大似然法估计方差分量。增益(feed),RFI,RFIb,RFIsf,RG,RIG,RIGb和RIGsf的遗传估计值(h 2 )分别为0.14、0.24、0.20、0.22、0.19、0.15、0.11和0.11 。性状之间的所有rph值均接近于零,除了饲料效率性状与干物质摄入量和日平均增重之间的相关性。在干物质摄入量,平均日增重和代谢体重与WS和髋部高度(> 0.61)的相关性方面,rg值较高;而在and体性状(LEA,BF,RF)中,中值(0.15至0.48)相关。在饲料效率性状中,RG的RG与WS和臀高分别最高(0.34和0.25),而皮下脂肪厚度最低的Rg(-0.17至0.18)。 RFI,RFI b 和RFI sf 与WS(0.17、0.23和0.22),BF(0.37、0.33和0.33)的r g 值)和RF(0.30、0.31和0.32)是不利的。 WS的gain:feed,RIG,RIG b 和RIG sf 的r g 值较低且较理想(0.07至0.22),而WS与脂肪厚度之间存在中等和不利的关系(-0.22至-0.45)。用于计算RFI的模型中包含皮下脂肪厚度并不能降低这些特征之间的r g 。选择具有更高饲料效率的动物将导致生长的遗传变化很小或没有遗传变化,并且将减少car体的皮下脂肪厚度。



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