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Trans-Boundary Edge Effects in the Western Carpathians: The Influence of Hunting on Large Carnivore Occupancy




The conservation and management of wolves Canis lupus in the periphery of their distribution is challenging. Edges of wolf distribution are characterized by very few and intermittent occurrences of individuals, which are modulated by multiple factors affecting the overall population such as human-caused mortality, management targets and food availability. The knowledge of population dynamics in the edges becomes crucial when hunting takes place nearby the edges, which may preclude population expansion. Here, using as example the occurrence of wolves in the Beskydy Mountains (Czech-Slovak border), which are the edge distribution of the wolf and Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx populations in the West Carpathians, we explored how food availability and hunting in the Slovakian core area affected the dynamics of wolves in the edges of this population. During 2003–2012, we monitored large carnivore occurrence by snow-tracking surveys and tested potential differences in the occurrence of these species in Beskydy Mountains and potential mechanisms behind detected patterns. Despite the proximity to the core area, with several wolf reproductions being confirmed at least in recent years, the wolf was a very rare species in Beskydy and was recorded 14 times less often than the lynx. The expected abundance of wolves in the Beskydy Mountains was inversely related to prey availability in the Slovakian core area. Wolf hunting the year before influenced the expected abundance of wolves in Beskydy area. We discuss how different life histories and legal status of both species probably account for most of the observed difference of occurrence at range margins.
机译:在分布范围的外围,狼犬天狼犬的养护和管理具有挑战性。狼分布的特征是很少有间歇性的个体发生,这是由影响总人口的多种因素所调节的,例如人为造成的死亡率,管理目标和食物供应。当在边缘附近狩猎时,边缘的种群动态知识变得至关重要,这可能会阻止种群扩展。在此,以比斯基迪山(捷克斯洛伐克边界)的狼群为例,这是西喀尔巴阡山脉的狼和欧亚山猫天猫种群的边缘分布,我们探索了斯洛伐克核心地区的食物供应和狩猎方式该地区影响了该种群边缘狼群的动态。在2003年至2012年期间,我们通过雪地追踪调查监测了大型食肉动物的发生,并测试了Beskydy山区这些物种的发生潜力以及检测到的模式背后的潜在机制。尽管靠近核心区域,至少在最近几年中确认了几只狼的繁殖,但狼是Beskydy中非常稀有的物种,记录的频率比山猫少14倍。 Beskydy山脉中预期的狼群数量与斯洛伐克核心地区猎物的供应量成反比。前一年打猎的狼影响了Beskydy地区预期的狼数量。我们讨论了两种物种不同的生活史和法律地位可能如何解释了范围边界处所观察到的大多数发生差异。



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