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Seed Removal Increased by Scramble Competition with an Invasive Species




Competition for seeds has a major influence on the evolution of granivores and the plants on which they rely. The complexity of interactions and coevolutionary relationships vary across forest types. The introduction of non-native granivores has considerable potential to alter seed dispersal dynamics. Non-native species are a major cause of endangerment for native species, but the mechanisms are often unclear. As biological invasions continue to rise, it is important to understand mechanisms to build up strategies to mitigate the threat. Our field experiment quantified the impact of introduced Abert’s squirrels (Sciurus aberti) on rates of seed removal within the range of critically endangered Mount Graham red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis), which consumes similar foods. In the presence of invasive Abert’s squirrels, the time cones were removed was faster than when the invasive was excluded, accounting for a median removal time of cones available to red and Abert’s squirrels that is 32.8% less than that of cones available only to the rare native red squirrels. Moreover, in the presence of Abert’s squirrels, removal rates are higher at great distance from a territorial red squirrel larderhoard and in more open portions of the forest, which suggests differential patterns of seed dispersal. The impact on food availability as a result of cone removal by Abert’s squirrels suggests the potential of food competition as a mechanism of endangerment for the Mount Graham red squirrel. Furthermore, the magnitude and differential spatial patterns of seed removal suggest that non-native granivores may have impacts on forest regeneration and structure.
机译:种子竞争对食肉动物及其赖以生存的植物具有重要影响。相互作用和共进化关系的复杂性因森林类型而异。引入非原生食草动物具有改变种子传播动力学的巨大潜力。非本地物种是导致本地物种濒临灭绝的主要原因,但是其机制通常不清楚。随着生物入侵的持续增加,重要的是要了解建立缓解威胁战略的机制。我们的野外实验量化了在严重濒危的格雷厄姆山红松鼠(Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis)范围内引入的艾伯特松鼠(Sciurus aberti)对种子去除率的影响,该类食用类似食物。在存在侵入性Abert松鼠的情况下,移除锥体的时间比排除侵入性锥体的时间要快,这说明红色和Abert松鼠可获得的锥体的中位去除时间比仅稀有物种的锥体要短32.8%。本地红松鼠。此外,在有阿伯特松鼠的情况下,与区域性红松鼠幼体的距离较远且森林更开阔的地方,清除率较高,这表明种子传播的方式不同。由于艾伯特的松鼠将视锥细胞移除而对食物供应量产生的影响表明,食物竞争有可能成为格雷厄姆山红松鼠的一种危害机制。此外,种子清除的大小和不同的空间格局表明,非原生食草动物可能会对森林的再生和结构产生影响。



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