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Development of a Double Antibody Sandwich ELISA for West Nile Virus Detection Using Monoclonal Antibodies against Non-Structural Protein 1




The early diagnosis of West Nile virus (WNV) infection is important for successful clinical management and epidemiological control. The non-structural protein 1 (NS1) of flavivirus, a highly conserved and secreted glycoprotein, is abundant in the serum of flavivirus-infected patients and represents a useful early diagnostic marker. We developed a WNV-specific NS1 antigen-capture ELISA using two mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognised distinct epitopes of the NS1 protein of WNV as capture and detection antibodies. The antigen-capture ELISA displayed exclusive specificity to WNV without cross-reaction with other related members of the flavivirus family, including the dengue virus, yellow fever virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and tick-borne encephalitis virus. Additionally, the specificity was presented as no false positive in normal (0/1003) and DENV-infected (0/107) human serum specimens. The detection limit of the antigen-capture ELISA was as low as 15 pg/ml of recombinant WNV NS1 protein (rWNV-NS1) and 6.1 plaque-forming units (PFU)/0.1 ml of WNV-infected culture supernatant. In mice infected with WNV, the NS1 protein was readily detected in serum as early as one day after WNV infection, prior to the development of clinical signs of the disease. The sensitivity of the NS1 capture ELISA (93.7%) was significantly higher (79.4%) than that of real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in 63 serum samples from WNV-infected mice (p = 0.035). This newly developed NS1 antigen-capture ELISA with high sensitivity and specificity could be used as an efficient method for the early diagnosis of WNV infection in animals or humans.
机译:西尼罗河病毒(WNV)感染的早期诊断对于成功的临床管理和流行病学控制至关重要。黄病毒的非结构蛋白1(NS1)是高度保守和分泌的糖蛋白,在黄病毒感染患者的血清中含量丰富,代表着有用的早期诊断标记。我们开发了一种WNV特异性NS1抗原捕获ELISA,使用了两种小鼠单克隆抗体(MAb),它们将WNV的NS1蛋白的不同表位识别为捕获和检测抗体。抗原捕获ELISA对WNV表现出排他性特异性,而不会与黄病毒家族的其他相关成员发生交叉反应,包括登革热病毒,黄热病病毒,日本脑炎病毒和tick传脑炎病毒。另外,特异性在正常(0/1003)和DENV感染(0/107)的人血清样本中均显示为无假阳性。抗原捕获ELISA的检测限低至15 pg / ml重组WNV NS1蛋白(rWNV-NS1)和6.1噬菌斑形成单位(PFU)/0.1 ml WNV感染的培养上清液。在感染了WNV的小鼠中,早在WNV感染后的一天,即在疾病临床症状发展之前,就很容易在血清中检测到NS1蛋白。在来自WNV感染的小鼠的63个血清样本中,NS1捕获ELISA的敏感性(93.7%)显着高于实时逆转录聚合酶链反应(p = 0.035)。这种新近开发的具有高灵敏度和特异性的NS1抗原捕获ELISA可作为早期诊断动物或人类WNV感染的有效方法。



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