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Personality Consistency in Dogs: A Meta-Analysis




Personality, or consistent individual differences in behavior, is well established in studies of dogs. Such consistency implies predictability of behavior, but some recent research suggests that predictability cannot be assumed. In addition, anecdotally, many dog experts believe that ‘puppy tests’ measuring behavior during the first year of a dog's life are not accurate indicators of subsequent adult behavior. Personality consistency in dogs is an important aspect of human-dog relationships (e.g., when selecting dogs suitable for substance-detection work or placement in a family). Here we perform the first comprehensive meta-analysis of studies reporting estimates of temporal consistency of dog personality. A thorough literature search identified 31 studies suitable for inclusion in our meta-analysis. Overall, we found evidence to suggest substantial consistency (r = 0.43). Furthermore, personality consistency was higher in older dogs, when behavioral assessment intervals were shorter, and when the measurement tool was exactly the same in both assessments. In puppies, aggression and submissiveness were the most consistent dimensions, while responsiveness to training, fearfulness, and sociability were the least consistent dimensions. In adult dogs, there were no dimension-based differences in consistency. There was no difference in personality consistency in dogs tested first as puppies and later as adults (e.g., ‘puppy tests’) versus dogs tested first as puppies and later again as puppies. Finally, there were no differences in consistency between working versus non-working dogs, between behavioral codings versus behavioral ratings, and between aggregate versus single measures. Implications for theory, practice, and future research are discussed.
机译:在犬类研究中已经很好地确立了人格或行为上的一致个体差异。这种一致性意味着行为的可预测性,但是最近的一些研究表明,不能假设可预测性。此外,很多狗专家认为,“幼犬测试”衡量的是狗一岁后的行为,并不是随后成年行为的准确指标。狗的人格一致性是人与狗关系的重要方面(例如,在选择适合进行物质检测工作或安置在家庭中的狗时)。在这里,我们进行了研究的首次综合性荟萃分析,报告了狗个性的时间一致性的估计值。全面的文献检索确定了31项适合纳入我们的荟萃分析的研究。总体而言,我们发现证据表明存在实质一致性(r = 0.43)。此外,当行为评估间隔更短并且两种评估中的测量工具完全相同时,年长犬的人格一致性更高。在幼犬中,攻击性和顺从性是最一致的维度,而对训练的反应性,恐惧感和社交性则是最不一致的维度。在成年犬中,一致性方面没有基于尺寸的差异。首先作为幼犬测试,后来成年的狗(例如“幼犬测试”)与先作为幼犬测试,然后再作为幼犬测试的狗的人格一致性没有差异。最后,在工作犬和非工作犬之间,在行为编码与行为评级之间,在合计与单一测量之间,一致性没有差异。讨论了对理论,实践和未来研究的影响。



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