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Community Intelligence in Knowledge Curation: An Application to Managing Scientific Nomenclature




Harnessing community intelligence in knowledge curation bears significant promise in dealing with communication and education in the flood of scientific knowledge. As knowledge is accumulated at ever-faster rates, scientific nomenclature, a particular kind of knowledge, is concurrently generated in all kinds of fields. Since nomenclature is a system of terms used to name things in a particular discipline, accurate translation of scientific nomenclature in different languages is of critical importance, not only for communications and collaborations with English-speaking people, but also for knowledge dissemination among people in the non-English-speaking world, particularly young students and researchers. However, it lacks of accuracy and standardization when translating scientific nomenclature from English to other languages, especially for those languages that do not belong to the same language family as English. To address this issue, here we propose for the first time the application of community intelligence in scientific nomenclature management, namely, harnessing collective intelligence for translation of scientific nomenclature from English to other languages. As community intelligence applied to knowledge curation is primarily aided by wiki and Chinese is the native language for about one-fifth of the world’s population, we put the proposed application into practice, by developing a wiki-based English-to-Chinese Scientific Nomenclature Dictionary (ESND; ). ESND is a wiki-based, publicly editable and open-content platform, exploiting the whole power of the scientific community in collectively and collaboratively managing scientific nomenclature. Based on community curation, ESND is capable of achieving accurate, standard, and comprehensive scientific nomenclature, demonstrating a valuable application of community intelligence in knowledge curation.
机译:在知识管理中利用社区情报进行知识管理具有巨大的前景。随着知识以越来越快的速度积累,科学命名法(一种特殊的知识)在各个领域同时产生。由于术语是用于命名特定学科中事物名称的术语系统,因此准确地翻译不同语言的科学术语至关重要,这不仅对于与讲英语的人进行交流和协作,而且对于在该领域中人们之间的知识传播也至关重要。非英语国家,尤其是年轻的学生和研究人员。但是,将科学术语从英语翻译成其他语言时,尤其是对于那些与英语不属于同一语言家族的语言,它缺乏准确性和标准化。为了解决这个问题,我们在此首次提出将社区情报应用于科学术语管理中,即利用集体情报将科学术语从英语翻译为其他语言。由于应用于知识管理的社区情报主要由Wiki来帮助,而中文是世界五分之一人口的母语,因此,我们通过开发基于Wiki的英中科学术语词典,将建议的应用付诸实践(ESND;)。 ESND是一个基于Wiki的,可公开编辑和开放内容的平台,在集体和协作管理科学术语时充分利用了科学界的全部力量。 ESND基于社区管理,能够实现准确,标准和全面的科学术语,证明了社区情报在知识管理中的宝贵应用。



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