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  • 机译 间接血凝试验在约旦高风险地区(Al-Mafraq省)的囊性棘球co虫病的血清阳性率
    摘要:Hydatid disease (HD) is a zoonotic disease of humans and animals which is caused by infection with the larval stages of the taeniid cestodes of the genus Echinococcus. HD is endemic in many countries of the Middle East, including Jordan. The seroprevalence rate of HD in areas of elevated risk in Jordan has not previously been investigated using indirect haemagglutination (IHA) testing. In the present study, 512 blood samples were collected from recruited outpatients from an internal medicine clinic in Al-Mafraq Governmental Hospital in Jordan. Each participant signed a consent form and completed a questionnaire. The presence of antibodies specific for E. granulosus antigens was detected using an IHA test. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS software using the Chi-square test. In all, 4.1% of the study participants were seropositive for E. granulosus IgG antibodies. There was a significant correlation between unexplained weight loss among seropositive patients (P = 0.018). Seropositivity was significantly higher in patients who slaughtered sheep inside their houses (P = 0.023). HD seroprevalence did not correlate with gender (P = 0.433), age (P = 0.880), residency status (P = 0.938), or educational level (P = 0.808). The vast majority (75.2%) of participants reported no prior knowledge about HD, and 99.8% were not aware about the etiology of the disease.
  • 机译 屠宰场家畜中的囊性棘球osis虫病的患病率和金钱损失:以肯尼亚米戈里县为例
    摘要:Cystic Echinococcosis (CE/Hydatidosis) is a parasitic zoonosis of public health importance that causes considerable economic loss worldwide. The aim of this study was to assess prevalence and monetary loss of CE in livestock slaughtered in Migori County, Kenya. The study was conducted by retrieving and analyzing secondary data over a ten year period (2007–2016) from annual meat inspection reports from sub-county veterinary offices within Migori County. The data included speciesumber of slaughtered animals and number of organs condemned due to presence of hydatid cyst(s) recorded. The results showed CE prevalence was highest in cattle (5.3%) followed by goats (2.0%), least affected were sheep (0.1%). The overall direct monetary loss was $152,003/year. The study results confirm occurrence of CE in Migori County and demonstrate an emerging new CE focus in Kenya with a significant direct monetary loss, a phenomenon that require serious attention to control the spread of CE in Kenya.
  • 机译 评估锥虫病治疗牛在布氏锥虫和罗氏锥虫的流行病学和控制中的作用的数学模型。乌干达甘比恩斯昏睡病
    摘要:BackgroundHuman and animal African trypanosomiases impose a large economic and health burden in their endemic regions. Large strides have been made in the control of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), yet these efforts have largely focused on the non-zoonotic form of the disease. Using a mathematical model with a 10 year time horizon, we demonstrate the role of the cattle treatment with trypanocides in the epidemiology of zoonotic and non-zoonotic HAT in Uganda, and its potential implications on elimination and eradication of the disease.
  • 机译 社论
    • 作者:Jong-Yil Chai
    • 刊名:Parasite Epidemiology and Control
    • 2019年第-1期
  • 机译 重点关注改善低传播环境中控制和消除疟疾的分子诊断方法:综述
    • 作者:Mebrahtu Tedla
    • 刊名:Parasite Epidemiology and Control
    • 2019年第-1期
    摘要:The malaria elimination goal is back to the global agenda. Understanding its epidemiology in low transmission settings is crucial to design reliable strategies to detect a large reservoir of individuals infected with sub-microscopic (and often asymptomatic) infections characterized by low-parasite densities and gametocyte carriage. Traditional diagnostic methods such a light microscopy is widely used mainly in developing countries and as a result, the true picture of malaria epidemiology is misrepresented. In the last few decades, the advancement of molecular diagnostic tools significantly improved our understanding of the epidemiology of the diseases. However, the detection capacity of different molecular assays is determined by different factors such as the sensitivity of the assay and the transmission and infection dynamics of the disease particularly when there is low parasitic density in reservoir hosts. Hence, in this review, the epidemiology of malaria in low transmission settings and the priority in addressing the malaria control and elimination goals are highlighted.
  • 机译 塞内加尔中西部低疟疾传播地区以社区为基础的国税局有针对性的消除疟疾方法的效果评估
    摘要:The implementation of effective malaria control strategies in the central-western Senegal, such as Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS), long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLIN), Seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis (SMC) and appropriate management of malaria cases, has led to the decline of malaria transmission in the region. However, residual malaria transmission still occurring in some localities, known as hotspots villages, making challenging the achievement of the malaria elimination goal. A pilot study was undertaken between 2013 and 2014 to test the feasibility of a community-based IRS approach for malaria elimination in four targeted health districts of the Central Western Senegal.The residual efficacy of the Actellic® 300CS formulation on the sprayed surface was monitored using WHO cone test.Overall, 615 walls were tested over the two successive years, respectively 240 and 375 in 2013 and 2014 IRS campaigns. The residual efficacy of the IRS with Actellic®300 CS was longer in the second year due to the improvement of community agents spraying skill the second year thanks to the refreshing training and a better supervision by professional agent of the National Hygiene Service. The analysis of the Incidence Rate Ratio under the Poisson model shows no significant difference of IRS effectiveness according to the building type.In conclusion, the quality of training of community agents and good supervision of IRS activities play a key role in the quality and the residual efficacy of IRS campaigns. A good planning and implementation of IRS campaign ensure a high quality and a good effectiveness of spraying with the Actellic®300 CS formulation.
  • 机译 Blastocystis ST-1与印度尼西亚青少年肠易激综合症腹泻(IBS-D)相关
    摘要:ObjectiveIBS is a functional gastrointestinal disorder and commonly presents in children and adolescences, presented as diarrhoea, constipation or mixed type. Blastocystis is a common intestinal protozoa found worldwide, which pathogenicity is still controversial. This study aimed to identify the risk factors of IBS, the association between IBS types with Blastocystis subtypes and analyse Blastocystis pathogenicity.
  • 机译 消除冈比亚锥虫的作用?储层宿主和传输周期的挑战:出乎意料
    摘要:The World Health Organisation has set the goal for elimination of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT), caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (gHAT), as a public health problem for 2020 and for the total interruption of transmission to humans for 2030. Targeting human carriers and potential animal reservoir infections will be critical to achieving this ambitious goal. However, there is continuing debate regarding the significance of reservoir host animals, wild and domestic, in different epidemiological contexts, whilst the extent and duration of the asymptomatic human carrier state is similarly undefined.This paper reviews the status of the knowledge of latent infections in wild and domestic animal reservoir hosts towards the goal of better understanding their role in the transmission dynamic of the disease. Focus areas include the transmission cycles in non-human hosts, the infectivity of animal reservoirs to Glossina palpalis s.l., the longevity of infection and the stability of T. b. gambiense biological characteristics in antelopes and domestic animals. There is compelling evidence that T. b. gambiense can establish and persist in experimentally infected antelopes, pigs and dogs for a period of at least two years. In particular, metacyclic transmission of T. b. gambiense has been reported in antelope-G.p.palpalis-antelope and pig-G.p.gambiensis-pig cycles.Experimental studies demonstrate that the infectiveness of latent animal reservoir infections with T. b. gambiense is retained in animal-Glossina-animal cycles (antelopes and pigs) for periods of three years and human infectivity markers (human serum resistance, zymodeme, DNA) are stable in non-human hosts for the same period. These observations shed light on the epidemiological significance of animal reservoir hosts in specific ecosystems characterized by presently active, as well as known “old” HAT foci whilst challenging the concept of total elimination of all transmission by 2030. This target is also compromised by the existence of human asymptomatic carriers of T. b. gambiense often detected outside Africa after having lived outside tsetse infested areas for many years - sometimes decades.Non-tsetse modes of transmission may also play a significant but underestimated role in the maintenance of foci and also preclude the total elimination of transmission - these include mother to child transmission and sexual transmission. Both these modes of transmission have been the subject of case reports yet their frequency in African settings remains to be ascertained when the context of residual foci are discussed yet both challenge the concept of the possibility of the total elimination of transmission.
  • 机译 多重PCR估计巴西圣卡塔琳娜州Campos de Lages地区牛的无缘无浆体牛牛巴贝斯虫和大巴贝斯虫的患病率
    摘要:This study aimed to determine the prevalence of three common hemoparasites (Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina) in cattle from 16 counties in the Campos de Lages region, Santa Catarina state, Brazil, and the factors affecting disease occurrence. The study population consisted of 257 clinically healthy animals from 21 rural farms. Bovine blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture. DNA was extracted from whole blood by the phenol/ chloroform method. Genomic DNA extracted from blood samples was subjected to Multiplex PCR for screening of B. bovis, B. bigemina, and A. marginale using specific primers. Prevalences of A. marginale, B. bigemina, and B. bovis were 27%, 16%, and 29%, respectively. Mixed infection was observed in 17.5% of samples. The most frequent was Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina in 6.62% of samples. A. marginale infection rates were statistically correlated with age groups of cattle. The infections detected in the study population were considered to be subclinical, based on the presence pathogen DNA and absence of clinical symptoms. Seasonality of the pathogens resulted in various degrees of infection, related to the age of the animals and the season. The Campos de Lages region is characterized by enzootic instability for these pathogens because of its climatic and geographic features.
  • 机译 埃及埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊的环境适宜性以及主要虫媒病毒感染的空间分布
    摘要:BackgroundThis paper discusses a comparative geographic distribution of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes in Mexico, using environmental suitability modeling and reported cases of arboviral infections.
  • 机译 乌干达艾伯特湖海岸线附近的小学生贾第鞭毛虫病的分子表征和分类分类
    摘要:As part of an epidemiological survey for gastrointestinal parasites in school children across five primary schools on the shoreline of Lake Albert, the prevalence of giardiasis was 87.0% (n = 254) as determined by real-time PCR analysis of faecal samples with a genus-specific Giardia 18S rDNA probe. Faecal samples were further characterised with taxon assemblage-specific triose phosphate isomerase (TPI) Taqman® probes and by sequence characterisation of the β-giardin gene. While less sensitive than the 18S rDNA assay, general prevalence by TPI probes was 52.4%, with prevalence by taxon assemblage of 8.3% (assemblage A), 35.8% (assemblage B) and 8.3% co-infection (A & B assemblages). While assemblage B was dominant across the sample, proportions of assemblages A and B, and co-infections thereof, varied by school and by age of child; mixed infections were particularly common at Runga school (OR = 6.9 [95% CI; 2.5, 19.3]) and in children aged 6 and under (OR = 2.7 [95% CI; 1.0, 7.3]). Infection with assemblage B was associated with underweight children (OR = 2.0 [95% CI; 1.0, 3.9]). The presence of each assemblage was also confirmed by sequence analysis of the β-giardin gene finding sub-assemblage AII and further genetic diversity within assemblage B. To better explore the local epidemiology of giardiasis and its impact on child health, additional sampling of school children with assemblage typing would be worthwhile.
  • 机译 对男性生殖器血吸虫病(MGS)进行流行病学更新的系统评价:呼吁整个撒哈拉以南非洲整个卫生系统进行综合病例管理
    摘要:Male genital schistosomiasis (MGS) is a gender specific manifestation of urogenital schistosomiasis (UGS) first described in 1911 by Madden in Egypt. Today, while affecting millions of men and boys worldwide, MGS receives insufficient attention, especially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). To provide a systematic review with an epidemiological update of MGS, we inspected both online and hardcopy resources in our appraisal. A total of 147 articles were eventually identified, only 31 articles were exclusively focused on MGS with original or targeted research. From these, we discuss pertinent clinico-pathological features of MGS, highlight the possible connection and interplay with HIV, and assess current diagnostic techniques alongside consideration of their use and application in SSA. To appreciate the burden of MGS more fully, especially in endemic areas, there is a clear need for better surveillance and longitudinal population research to investigate the best point-of-care (POC) diagnostic and its performance through time. Furthermore, to optimise individual case management, exploration of alternative praziquantel dosing regimens is needed for MGS in men with or without HIV co-infection.
  • 机译 埃塞俄比亚与牛囊尾rc病和人human虫病相关的时空分布和经济损失
    摘要:A metacestode stage (bovine cysticercosis) and adult stage Taenia saginata, accounted for zoonotic and economic losses from organ contamination and treatment cost. The objective of this paper is to assess the spatiotemporal distribution and economic loss from bovine cysticercosis and human taeniasis with treatment approach in different parts of Ethiopia. All available published research articles from Ethiopia on the disease were collected. The data were assessed using the current regional administrative, the locality and chronology of the reports for prevalence and economic loss with treatment trend. Prevalence ranging from 1.9% at Addis Ababa City to as high as of 26.3% Hawasa-SNNPR using postmortem examination. However, one study confirmed 92.7% of 41 isolates as bovine cysticercosis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Teaniasis was ranged from 7.8% in Modjo-Oromia to as high as 89.4% in Addis Ababa City. Except for 17.9% at Addis Ababa City, 29.0% at Mekele-Tigray and 19.0% at Halaba Kulito –SNNPR teaniasis in Ethiopia were greater than 30% over 2001–2018 years. Questionnaire survey and retrospective data were the major tools used for teaniasis reporting either pharmaceutical and/or traditional (herbs) medicines were used for teaniasis treatments. Niclosamide, mebendazole and praziquantel were pharmaceutical teaniacidal drugs used in Ethiopia until the years of 2009, uses of albendazole begins from 2011 to date (2018 year). Hagenica abyssinia “Kosso/Heto” flowers is still widely used in Ethiopia in that it contains Kosso-toxin, closely related to folic acid, are responsible for some cases of hepatic carcinoma and blindness. Only few data (reports) were available on spatiotemporal economic loss associated with bovine cysticercosis and Taenia saginata in Ethiopia showing an overall 4,052,278.16 ETB (212,202.76 USD) from five reports. Highest economic loss (88,500.00 USD) was registered at Yirgalem-SNNPR [2005–2009]. Study at Kombolcha-Amhara region during 2016 accounted 1,841,311.00ETB (73,652.44 USD) from C. bovis and teaniasis treatment cost. Total cost for the used pharmaceutical drugs accounted 921,112.00ETB over 2005–2016. The maximum drug expenditure was reported during the year 2013. Thus, bovine cysticercosis and Taenia saginata in Ethiopia indicating the health and economic challenges. It needs to Taenia saginata cycle interruption via stopping human open defecation with assessing the dynamics of the disease in the country.
  • 机译 尼日利亚夸拉州自养犬中的外寄生虫感染率
    摘要:In Nigeria, dogs are the common companions in many households and, harbor wide range of ectoparasites of severe zoonotic potentials. A cross sectional survey was conducted to examine the prevalence, intensity and risk factors of ectoparasite infestation among the owned dogs in Kwara state, Nigeria. A total of 333 dogs were screened for ectoparasites, and questionnaires were applied to obtain information regarding; age, sex, breeds, coat colour and management practices by dog owners. Two hundred and seventy one (81.4%) dogs were infested with at least one species of ectoparasite and multiple infestations recorded mostly among the female dogs. Six species of ectoparasites of three taxa were identified: ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato, Haemaphysalis leachii and Amblyomma variegatum), fleas (Ctenocephalides canis and C. felis) and louse (Heterodoxus spiniger). R. sanguineus s.l. was the most prevalent (70.3%) followed by C. felis (42.1%) and H. spiniger (30.0%). Intensities of C. felis, H. spiniger and R. sanguineus s.l infestations were significantly higher in female and younger dogs (p < 0.001). Ectoparasites occurrence varied with breed and coat colour of host. A high prevalence of ectoparasite infestation recorded is at variance with the knowledge of dogs' owners in this study area. Therefore, intervention based on provision of veterinary clinics and prevention and management of parasite infestation in endemic area would mitigate the possible health hazard associated with the ectoparasitic infestation of dogs.
  • 机译 巴西圣保罗州东北地区非固定饲养场猪中的弓形虫感染患病率及相关危险因素
    摘要:Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis present worldwide. Its protozoal aethiological agent, Toxoplasma gondii, has the ability to infect several homeothermic animals and mainly human beings. The consumption of raw or undercooked meat products containing T. gondii cysts, consumption of vegetables without washing and using non-treated water are risk factors associated to the occurrence of human toxoplasmosis. Furthermore, raw or undercooked pork is an important infection source of T. gondii to humans. Due to the importance of toxoplamosis in public health, this study focused on establish the prevalence of the disease in non-technified swine herds in the northeastern region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, using Modified Agglutination Test (MAT) and the Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) and the risk factors for its occurrence. In addition, the agreement among both diagnostic tests was evaluated. A low prevalence of toxoplasmosis was found at animal level (7.02%). The Fisher's exact test detected correlation between positive cases with the presence of food garden in the farm (p = 0.01) and the use of non-treated water to irrigate the food garden (p = 0.005). The agreement among tests was considered moderate (Kappa index = 0.5). The results show that toxoplasmosis is a risk for humans who consume under cooked pork meat in this region and an acceptable agreement between MAT and IFA tests.
  • 机译 从黑土中提取原生动物DNA的方法的开发
    摘要:ObjectivesMicroorganisms in environmental samples are identified by sequential screening, isolation, and culture steps, followed by the verification of physiological characteristics and morphological classification. Isolation and purification of Amoebae from soil samples is extremely complex, laborious, and time-consuming and require considerable expertise for morphological evaluation. PCR testing of soil DNA seems to be an effective means for protozoa habitat screening. In this study, we added Acanthamoeba sp. (MK strain) to soil and developed a method of extracting protozoan DNA from the soil.
  • 机译 赞比亚的en虫病防治:通往成功的坎road之路
    摘要:The taeniosis/cysticercosis neglected zoonotic disease complex is caused by Taenia solium, and is associated with significant economic and public health impacts. This paper reviews the current knowledge on T. solium in Zambia and the control strategies already studied, covering almost 20 years of research, and explores the way forward. Studies on occurrence of porcine cysticercosis indicated very high prevalences, ranging from 15 to 34% based on detection of circulating antigens, and of 46% to 68% based on full carcass dissection in slaughter age pigs. Taeniosis prevalences have been reported to range from 6.3% to 12% based on copro-Ag-ELISA. Human cysticercosis prevalence results ranged from 5.8% to 13% based on serum Ag-ELISA, and from 34% to 39% based on sero-antibody detection. Later on, a study in people with epilepsy suggested neurocysticercosis to be the single most important cause of epilepsy in this T. solium endemic area, with 57% of the people with active epilepsy diagnosed with probable or definite neurocysticercosis. While the need to reduce the disease burden of T. solium in Zambia is obvious, the exact short and long term goals, and the strategies to achieve these goals, are not clear. We have selected the most promising control/elimination strategies from reviews and assessed these for feasibility via discussions with local stakeholders from both medical and veterinary sectors. The proposed measures were evaluated using the newly developed agent-based disease transmission model, cystiSim and optimised using Zambian demographic and disease data. As a control option, yearly porcine treatments were selected as best option, while the preferred strategy for elimination was determined to be the combination of human and porcine mass drug administration combined with porcine vaccination of all eligible people and pigs, in a schedule of six iterations of four monthly interventions. These interventions are currently being field tested, combined with education. Several other hurdles to control, such as cost and socio-political factors and the need for an improved advocacy and awareness creation are discussed.
  • 机译 亚洲研究控制蠕虫病的可能性挑战和新方法
    摘要:The time is passing, and the worms are still a major struggle for local people in Asian countries, especially the less empowered and in a situation of social vulnerability. We are working in the field in Laos, Thailand, and the Philippines where the usual control programs based only on human treatment are partially effective. Areas with mass drug administration could diminish, but not eliminate STHs of endemic areas. The persistence of helminthic NTDs in the environment and animal hosts makes the eradication a very difficult task. Great changes in the landscapes of endemic areas, such as construction of dams, can change the fauna and the lifestyle of local people. Those changes can improve infrastructure, but it can also lead to social vulnerability. The challenge, then, is to conceive new and directed control programs for helminthiasis based on multi- and transdisciplinary approaches diminishing the health gap in a globalized world. In this short review, we summarize the actual scenario concerning the main helminths in Southeast Asia and how an environmental DNA approach and the use of GIS could contribute to surveillance and control programs.
  • 机译 跨学科和社会生态健康框架-新型方法应对新兴的寄生虫和媒介传播疾病
    摘要:Ecosystem Health, Conservation Medicine, EcoHealth, One Health, Planetary Health and GeoHealth are inter-related disciplines that underpin a shared understanding of the functional prerequisites of health, sustainable vitality and wellbeing. All of these are based on recognition that health interconnects species across the planet, and they offer ways to more effectively tackle complex real-world challenges. Herein we present a bibliometric analysis to document usage of a subset of such terms by journals over time. We also provide examples of parasitic and vector-borne diseases, including malaria, toxoplasmosis, baylisascariasis, and Lyme disease. These and many other diseases have persisted, emerged or re-emerged, and caused great harm to human and animal populations in developed and low income, biodiverse nations around the world, largely because of societal drivers that undermined natural processes of disease prevention and control, which had developed through co-evolution over millennia. Shortcomings in addressing drivers has arisen from a lack or coordinated efforts among researchers, health stewards, societies at large, and governments. Fortunately, specialists collaborating under transdisciplinary and socio-ecological health umbrellas are increasingly integrating established and new techniques for disease modeling, prediction, diagnosis, treatment, control, and prevention. Such approaches often emphasize conservation of biodiversity for health protection, and they provide novel opportunities to increase the efficiency and probability of success.
  • 机译 哥斯达黎加绵羊的弓形虫和犬新孢子虫的血清感染率及相关因素
    摘要:The presence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum were analyzed in 392 sheep sera from ten Costa Rican ovine flocks using indirect immuno-enzymatic assays. Additionally, general information about sheep management, environment, and clinical reproductive disorders was assessed through a questionnaire to inquire factors related to these apicomplexan parasites. A total of 161 (41.1%) serum samples reacted positive to T. gondii, 43 (10.9%) to N. caninum and 26 (6.63%) to both parasites. Toxoplasma gondii serorreactors were detected in all the analyzed flocks (100.0%), meanwhile N. caninum antibodies were found in nine flocks (90%), from the six Costa Rican regions. Factors associated with T. gondii were the co-presence of cattle (OR = 5.06; C.I.95%; 2.08–12.30; p: <0.001), grey foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) and opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) (OR = 2.44; C.I.95%; 1.50–3.95; p: <0.001) inside or around the farms, and the presence of peccaries (Tayassu sp.) (OR = 0.35; C.I.95%; 0.16–0.74; p: 0.0058) was a variable associated with N. caninum seropositivity. The obtained results of T. gondii and N. caninum infections in sheep flocks from Costa Rica should be considered for the proper prevention and control strategies against these apicomplexan abortive parasites.


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