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The NIH 3D Print Exchange: A Public Resource for Bioscientific and Biomedical 3D Prints

机译:NIH 3D打印交流:生物科学和生物医学3D打印的公共资源



The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has launched the NIH 3D Print Exchange, an online portal for discovering and creating bioscientifically relevant 3D models suitable for 3D printing, to provide both researchers and educators with a trusted source to discover accurate and informative models. There are a number of online resources for 3D prints, but there is a paucity of scientific models, and the expertise required to generate and validate such models remains a barrier. The NIH 3D Print Exchange fills this gap by providing novel, web-based tools that empower users with the ability to create ready-to-print 3D files from molecular structure data, microscopy image stacks, and computed tomography scan data. The NIH 3D Print Exchange facilitates open data sharing in a community-driven environment, and also includes various interactive features, as well as information and tutorials on 3D modeling software. As the first government-sponsored website dedicated to 3D printing, the NIH 3D Print Exchange is an important step forward to bringing 3D printing to the mainstream for scientific research and education.
机译:美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)启动了NIH 3D打印交换,这是一个在线门户网站,用于发现和创建与3D打印相关的与生物科学相关的3D模型,从而为研究人员和教育工作者提供可信赖的信息来源,以发现准确而有用的模型。有大量在线资源可用于3D打印,但是缺乏科学模型,生成和验证此类模型所需的专业知识仍然是一个障碍。 NIH 3D Print Exchange通过提供新颖的基于Web的工具来填补这一空白,使用户能够从分子结构数据,显微镜图像堆栈和计算机断层扫描数据创建可打印的3D文件。 NIH 3D Print Exchange有助于在社区驱动的环境中进行开放数据共享,并且还包括各种交互式功能,以及有关3D建模软件的信息和教程。作为第一个由政府资助的致力于3D打印的网站,NIH 3D Print Exchange是朝着将3D打印成为科学研究和教育主流的方向迈出的重要一步。



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