首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >Status of intestinal parasites infection among primary school children in Kampongcham Cambodia

Status of intestinal parasites infection among primary school children in Kampongcham Cambodia




A survey was made to find the extent of intestinal parasite infection in Kampongcham, Cambodia in February 2002. A total of 251 fecal specimens were collected from Tonlebat primary school children and examined by formalin-ether sedimentation technique. The overall infection rate of intestinal parasite was 54.2% (males, 57.3%; females, 50.8%). The infection rate of intestinal helminths by the species were as follows: Ascaris lumbricoides 26.3%, Echinostoma sp. 15.6%, hookworm 6.4%, Opisthorchis sp. 4.0%, Rhabditis sp. 2.4%, and Trichuris trichiura 0.4%. The infection rate of intestinal protozoa were as follows: E. coli 7.6%, G. lamblia 3.2%, I. butschlii 3.2%, and E. histolytica 0.8%. More than two different kinds of parasites were found in 16.7% of the stool samples. All the children infected were treated with albendazole, praziquantel and metronidazole according to parasite species. The results showed that intestinal parasites are highly endemic in this area.
机译:2002年2月,对柬埔寨磅湛的肠道寄生虫感染程度进行了调查。从Tonlebat小学生那里收集了251份粪便标本,并用福尔马林-乙醚沉淀技术进行了检查。肠道寄生虫的总感染率为54.2%(男性为57.3%;女性为50.8%)。该物种对肠道蠕虫的感染率如下:A虫26.3%,棘皮虫。 15.6%,钩虫6.4%,Opishorchis sp。 4.0%,横纹肌炎。 2.4%和Trichuris trichiura 0.4%。肠道原生动物的感染率如下:大肠杆菌7.6%,兰伯氏菌3.2%,肉肠埃希氏菌3.2%和组织溶埃希菌0.8%。 16.7%的粪便样本中发现了两种以上的寄生虫。根据寄生虫种类,所有感染的儿童均接受阿苯达唑,吡喹酮和甲硝唑治疗。结果表明,肠道寄生虫在该地区是高度流行的。



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