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  • 刊频: 8 no. a year, 2003-
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  • 机译 古细菌染色体生物学
    摘要:Knowledge of the chromosome biology of archaeal species has grown considerably in the last 15 years, since the publication of the first full archaeal genome sequences. A number of model organisms have been studied, revealing a striking variety of mechanisms and modes of genome duplication and segregation. While clear sequence relationships between archaeal and eukaryotic replication proteins are well known, some archaea also seem to possess organizational parameters for replication and segregation that reveal further striking parallels to eukaryotes.
  • 机译 MukBEF染色体组织者
    摘要:Global folding of bacterial chromosome requires the activity of condensins. These highly conserved proteins are involved in various aspects of higher order chromatin dynamics in a diverse range of organisms. Two distinct superfamilies of condensins have been identified in bacteria. The SMC-ScpAB proteins bear significant homology to eukaryotic condensins and cohesins and are found in most of presently sequenced bacteria. This review focuses on the MukBEF/MksBEF superfamily, which is broadly distributed across diverse bacteria and is characterized by low sequence conservation. The prototypical member of this superfamily, the Escherichia coli condensin MukBEF, continues to provide critical insights into the mechanism of the proteins. MukBEF acts as a complex molecular machine that assists in chromosome segregation and global organization. The review focuses on mechanistic analysis of DNA organization by MukBEF with the emphasis on its involvement in formation of chromatin scaffold and plausible other roles in chromosome segregation.
  • 机译 霍乱弧菌的染色体分离
    摘要:The study of chromosome segregation is currently one of the most exciting research frontiers in cell biology. In this review, we discuss our current knowledge of the chromosome segregation process in Vibrio cholerae, based primarily on findings from fluorescence microscopy experiments. This bacterium is of special interest because of its eukaryotic feature of having a divided genome, a feature shared with 10% of known bacteria. We also discuss how the segregation mechanisms of V. cholerae compare with those in other bacteria, and highlight some of the remaining questions regarding the process of bacterial chromosome segregation.
  • 机译 大肠杆菌的主要促进者超家族(MFS)搬运工LacYFucP和XylE似乎在不重新配置3-TMS重复单元的情况下发展了位置相异的催化残基
    摘要:Based on alleged functional residue correspondences between FucP and LacY, a recent study has resulted in a proposed model of 3-TMS unit rearrangements []. We rebut this theory, using seven different lines of evidence. Our observations suggest that these two transporters are homologous throughout their lengths, having evolved from a common ancestor without repeat unit rearrangements. We exploit the availability of the high resolution XylE crystal structures in multiple conformations including the inward facing state to render possible direct comparisons with LacY. Based on a Δdistance map, we confirm the conclusion of that the N-terminal 6 TMS halves of these transporters are internally less mobile than the second halves during the conformational transition from the outward occluded state to the inward occluded state and inward occluded state to inward open state. These observations, together with those of , lead to the suggestion that functionally equivalent catalytic residues involved in substrate binding and transport catalysis have evolved in dissimilar positions, but apparently often in similar positions in the putative 3-TMS repeat units, from a single structural scaffold without intragenic rearrangement.
  • 机译 细菌中BMC型微室细胞器的外壳
    摘要:Bacterial microcompartments are large proteinaceous structures that act as metabolic organelles in many bacterial cells. A shell or capsid, which is composed of a few thousand protein subunits, surrounds a series of sequentially acting enzymes and controls the diffusion of substrates and products into and out of the interior. The carboxysome and the propanediol utilization microcompartment represent two well-studied systems among seven or more distinct types that can be delineated presently. Recent structural studies have highlighted a number of sophisticated mechanisms that underlie the function of bacterial microcompartment shell proteins. This review updates our understanding of bacterial microcompartment shells, how they are assembled, and how they carry out their functions in molecular transport and enzyme organization.
  • 机译 原核蛋白酶体:降解的纳米隔室。
    摘要:Proteasomes are self-compartmentalized energy-dependent proteolytic machines found in Archaea, Actinobacteria species of bacteria and eukaryotes. Proteasomes consist of two separate protein complexes, the core particle that hydrolyzes peptide bonds and an AAA+ ATPase domain responsible for the binding, unfolding and translocation of protein substrates into the core particle for degradation. Similarly to eukaryotes, proteasomes play a central role in protein degradation and can be essential in Archaea. Core particles associate with and utilize a variety of ATPase complexes to carry out protein degradation in Archaea. In actinobacterial species, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, proteasome-mediated degradation is associated with pathogenesis and does not appear to be essential. Interestingly, both actinobacterial species and Archaea use small proteins to covalently modify proteins, prokaryotic ubiquitin-like proteins (Pup) in Actinobacteria and ubiquitin-like small archaeal modifier proteins (SAMP) in Archaea. These modifications may play a role in proteasome targeting similar to the ubiquitin-proteasome system in eukaryotes.
  • 机译 在人类肠道古细菌Methanobtrevibacter smithii中鉴定出最小的活性氨基甲酰磷酸合成酶
    摘要:The genome of the major intestinal archaeon, Methanobrevibacter smithii, contains a complex gene system coding for carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPSase) composed of both full-length and reduced-size synthetase subunits. These ammonia-metabolizing enzymes could play a key role in controlling ammonia assimilation in M. smithii, affecting the metabolism of gut bacterial microbiota, with an impact on host obesity. In this study, we isolated and characterized the small (41 kDa) CPSase homolog from M. smithii. The gene was cloned, overexpressed in E. coli, and the recombinant enzyme was purified in one step. Chemical cross-linking and size exclusion chromatography indicated a homodimeric/tetrameric structure, in accordance with a dimer-based CPSase activity and reaction mechanism. This small enzyme, MS-s, synthesized carbamoyl phosphate from ATP, bicarbonate, and ammonia, and catalyzed the same ATP-dependent partial reactions observed for full-lenght CPSases. Steady state kinetics revealed a high apparent affinity for ATP and ammonia. Sequence comparisons, molecular modeling and kinetic studies suggest that this enzyme corresponds to one of the two synthetase domains of the full-length CPSase that catalyze the ATP-dependent phosphorylations involved in the three step synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate. This protein represents the smallest naturally occurring active CPSase characterized thus far. The small M. smithii CPSase appears to be specialized for carbamoyl phosphate metabolism in methanogens.
  • 机译 鉴定两个DNA解旋酶UvrD和DinG作为突变cspA mRNA致死性的抑制剂
    摘要:CspA is a major cold-shock inducible protein (70 aa), and its major role in the cold-shock response was shown to be as an RNA chaperone destabilizing secondary structure of mRNAs at low temperature. Previously, we showed that the overexpression of mutant cspA containing premature nonsense codons at various positions led to stalled ribosomes on mutant cspA transcripts, ultimately leading to cell death. This lethality is primarily due to the highly translatable cspA 5′-UTR that recruits most of the ribosomes from other mRNAs, which are then stalled at the abnormal stop codon. This was called the ‘LACE’ effect. We show here that nonsense mutation even at 67th position as well as substitutions of aromatic amino acid residues present on the RNA-binding surface of CspA protein to alanine caused the LACE effect by trapping a substantial amount of ribosomes on cspA mRNAs.In an attempt to identify a suppressor(s), which may help the cells to recover from the inhibitory LACE effect, genetic screening of an E. coli genomic library was performed. We isolated suppressors that contained the genomic fragments encoding uvrD and dinG, respectively, whose gene products are ATP-dependent DNA helicases. The nucleic acid-binding and ATPase activities of these two helicases were found to be essential for their suppression activity. This genomic screening offers an approach to shed light on the mechanistic of 5′-UTR of cspA mRNA and novel roles of E. coli helicases that function in DNA repair.
  • 机译 系统发育特征的运输蛋白超家族:SuperfamilyTree程序优于那些基于多个比对的程序。
    摘要:Transport proteins function in the translocation of ions, solutes and macromolecules across cellular and organellar membranes. These integral membrane proteins fall into >600 families as tabulated in the Transporter Classification Database (). Recent studies, some of which are reported here, define distant phylogenetic relationships between families with the creation of superfamilies. Several of these are analyzed using a novel set of programs designed to allow reliable prediction of phylogenetic trees when sequence divergence is too great to allow the use of multiple alignments. These new programs, called SuperfamilyTree1 and 2 (SFT1 and 2), allow display of protein and family relationships, respectively, based on thousands of comparative BLAST scores rather than multiple alignments. Superfamilies analyzed include: (1) Aerolysins, (2) RTX Toxins, (3) Defensins, (4) Ion Transporters, (5) Bile/Arsenite/Riboflavin Transporters, (6) Cation: Proton Antiporters, and (7) the Glucose/Fructose/Lactose superfamily within the prokaryotic phosphoenol pyruvate-dependent Phosphotransferase System. In addition to defining the phylogenetic relationships of the proteins and families within these seven superfamilies, evidence is provided showing that the SFT programs outperform programs that are based on multiple alignments whenever sequence divergence of superfamily members is extensive. The SFT programs should be applicable to virtually any superfamily of proteins or nucleic acids.
  • 机译 树木病毒实验进化过程中的特异性和非特异性宿主适应
    摘要:During the past decade or so, there has been a substantial body of work to dissect arboviral evolution and to develop models of adaptation during host switching. Regardless of what species serve as host or vectors, and of the geographic distribution and the mechanisms of replication, arboviruses tend to have slow evolutionary rates in nature. The hypothesis that this is the result of replication in the disparate environments provided by host and vector did not receive solid experimental support in any of the many viral species tested. Instead, it seems that from the virus's point of view, either the two environments are sufficiently similar or one of the environments so dominates viral evolution that there is tolerance for suboptimal adaptation to the other environment. Replication in alternating environments has an unexpected cost in that there is decreased genetic variance that translates into a compromised adaptability for bypassed environments. Arboviruses under strong and continuous positive selection may have unusual patterns of genomic changes, with few or no mutations accumulated in the consensus sequence or with dN/dS values typically consistent with random drift in DNA-based organisms.
  • 机译 转座子介导的自适应和定向突变及其潜在的进化利益。
    摘要:Transposons, mobile genetic elements that can hop from one chromosomal location to another, are known to be both beneficial and deleterious to the cell that bears them. Their value in accelerating evolutionary adaptation is well recognized. We herein summarize published research dealing with these elements and then move on to review our own research efforts which focus on a small transposon that can induce mutations under the control of host factors in a process that phenotypically and mechanistically conforms to the definition of ‘directed mutation’. Directed mutations occur at higher frequencies when they are beneficial, being induced by the stress condition that they relieve. Here, we review evidence for transposon-mediated directed mutation in Escherichia coli. Deletion mutants in the crp gene can not grow on glycerol (Glp); however, these cells mutate specifically to efficient glycerol utilization (Glp+) at rates that are greatly enhanced by the presence of glycerol or the loss of the glycerol repressor (GlpR). These rates are greatly depressed by glucose or by glpR overexpression. Of the four tandem GlpR-binding sites (O1–O4) in the control region of the glpFK operon, O4 (downstream) specifically controls glpFK expression while O1 (upstream) controls mutation rate. Mutation is due to insertion of the small transposon IS5 into a specific site just upstream of the glpFK promoter. Mutational control by the glycerol regulon repressor GlpR is independent of the selection and assay procedures, and IS5 insertion into other gene activation sites is unaffected by the presence of glycerol or the loss of GlpR. The results establish the principle of transposon-mediated directed mutation, identify a protein responsible for its regulation, and define essential aspects of the mechanism.
  • 机译 转录的抑制和Mfd是致病的枯草芽孢杆菌细胞中的诱变。
    摘要:In recent years, it has been proposed that conflicts between transcription and active chromosomal replication engender genome instability events. Furthermore, transcription elongation factors have been reported to prevent conflicts between transcription and replication and avoid genome instability. Here, we examined transcriptional de-repression as a genetic diversity-producing agent and showed, through the use of physiological and genetic means, that transcriptional de-represssion of a leuC defective allele leads to accumulation of Leu+ mutations. We also showed, by using riboswitches that activate transcription in conditions of tyrosine or methionine starvation, that the effect of transcriptional de-repression of the leuC construct on the accumulation of Leu+ mutations was independent of selection. We examined the role of Mfd, a transcription elongation factor involved in DNA repair, in this process and showed that proficiency of this factor promotes mutagenic events. These results are in stark contrast to previous reports in Escherichia coli, which showed that Mfd prevents replication fork collapses. Because our assays place cells under non-growing conditions, by starving them for two amino acids, we surmised that the Mfd mutagenic process associated with transcriptional de-repression does not result from conflicts with chromosomal replication. These results raise the interesting concept that transcription elongation factors may serve two functions in cells. In growing conditions, these factors prevent the generation of mutations, while in stress or non-growing conditions they mediate the production of genetic diversity.
  • 机译 大肠杆菌中顺序重组酶介导的盒式交换反应的高效
    摘要:A comparison between the efficiency of recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) reactions catalyzed in Escherichia coli by the site-specific recombinases Flp of yeast and Int of coliphage HK022 has revealed that an Flp-catalyzed RMCE reaction is more efficient than an Int-HK022 catalyzed reaction. In contrast, an RMCE reaction with 1 pair of frt sites and 1 pair of att sites catalyzed in the presence of both recombinases is very inefficient. However, the same reaction catalyzed by each recombinase individually supplied in a sequential order is very efficient, regardless of the order. Atomic force microscopy images of Flp with its DNA substrates show that only 1 pair of recombination sites forms a synaptic complex with the recombinase. The results suggest that the RMCE reaction is sequential.
  • 机译 Autoinducer-2出口商超家族
    摘要:The TqsA (YdgG) protein of Escherichia coli has been shown to export the autoinducer-2 (AI-2) molecule, a furanosyl borate diester that bears little resemblance to previously characterized biological molecules. TqsA belongs to a large superfamily, the AI-2 exporter (AI-2E) superfamily, of putative transporters with no other functionally characterized members. These proteins derive exclusively from bacteria. Many different bacterial kingdoms contain them, although several kingdoms do not. These proteins exhibit a uniform topology with 8 putative transmembrane segments (TMSs) which we show probably arose from a 4-TMS precursor in a process that involved at least one and possibly two intragenic duplication event(s). The first halves of these proteins are more diverse in sequence than the second halves, suggesting that the first halves may serve substrate-specific functions while the second halves serve family-specific functions. Conserved residues and motifs in these proteins are identified. Some homologues include extra catalytic domains including those involved in purine nucleotide biosynthesis, ATP and GTP binding, and molecular signaling. The results presented provide guides for future functional studies on members of this superfamily of bacterial transporters.
  • 机译 跨膜转运的生物信息学分析:推论蛋白质系统发生拓扑结构和进化的新型软件。
    摘要:During the past decade, we have experienced a revolution in the biological sciences resulting from the flux of information generated by genome-sequencing efforts. Our understanding of living organisms, the metabolic processes they catalyze, the genetic systems encoding cellular protein and stable RNA constituents, and the pathological conditions caused by some of these organisms has greatly benefited from the availability of complete genomic sequences and the establishment of comprehensive databases. Many research institutes around the world are now devoting their efforts largely to genome sequencing, data collection and data analysis. In this review, we summarize tools that are in routine use in our laboratory for characterizing transmembrane transport systems. Applications of these tools to specific transporter families are presented. Many of the computational approaches described should be applicable to virtually all classes of proteins and RNA molecules.
  • 机译 霍乱弧菌Mrp系统:异质宿主中的阳离子/质子反转运性质和胆汁盐抗性的增强
    摘要:The mrp operon from Vibrio cholerae encoding a putative multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter was cloned and functionally expressed in the antiporter-deficient strain of Escherichia coli EP432. Cells of EP432 expressing Vc-Mrp exhibited resistance to Na+ and Li+ as well as to natural bile salts such as sodium cholate and taurocholate. When assayed in everted membrane vesicles of the E. coli EP432 host, Vc-Mrp had sufficiently high antiport activity to facilitate the first extensive analysis of Mrp system from a Gram-negative bacterium encoded by a group 2 mrp operon. Vc-Mrp was found to exchange protons for Li+, Na+, and K+ ions in pH-dependent manner with maximal activity at pH 9.0–9.5. Exchange was electrogenic (more than one H+ translocated per cation moved in opposite direction). The apparent Km at pH 9.0 was 1.08, 1.30, and 68.5 mM for Li+, Na+, and K+, respectively. Kinetic analyses suggested that Vc-Mrp operates in a binding exchange mode with all cations and protons competing for binding to the antiporter. The robust ion antiport activity of Vc-Mrp in sub-bacterial vesicles and its effect on bile resistance of the heterologous host make Vc-Mrp an attractive experimental model for the further studies of biochemistry and physiology of Mrp systems.
  • 机译 Bdellovibrio外来JSS的核黄素转运蛋白


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