首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Immunology Author Choice >The Adjuvant LT-K63 Can Restore Delayed Maturation of Follicular Dendritic Cells and Poor Persistence of Both Protein- and Polysaccharide-Specific Antibody-Secreting Cells in Neonatal Mice

The Adjuvant LT-K63 Can Restore Delayed Maturation of Follicular Dendritic Cells and Poor Persistence of Both Protein- and Polysaccharide-Specific Antibody-Secreting Cells in Neonatal Mice




Ab responses in early life are low and short-lived; therefore, induction of protective immunity requires repeated vaccinations. One of the major limitations in early-life immunity is delayed maturation of follicular dendritic cells (FDCs), which play a central role in mediating the germinal center (GC) reaction leading to production of Ab-secreting cells (AbSCs). We assessed whether a nontoxic mutant of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT-K63) and CpG1826 as model adjuvants could accelerate FDC maturation and immune response in neonatal mice, using a pneumococcal polysaccharide of serotype 1 conjugated to tetanus toxoid (Pnc1-TT) as a model vaccine. In neonatal NMRI mice, a single dose of Pnc1-TT coadministered with LT-K63 enhanced Pnc1-TT–induced GC reaction. In contrast, CpG1826 had no effect. Accordingly, LT-K63, but not CpG1826, accelerated the maturation of FDC networks, detected by FDC-M2+ staining, characteristic for adult-like FDCs. This coincided with migration of MOMA-1+ macrophages into the GCs that can enhance GC reaction and B cell activation. The FDC-M2+ FDC networks colocalized with enhanced expression of TNF-α, which is critical for the maintenance of mature FDCs and is poorly expressed in neonates. The accelerated maturation of FDC networks correlated with increased frequency and prolonged persistence of polysaccharide- and protein-specific IgG+ AbSCs in spleen and bone marrow. Our data show for the first time, to our knowledge, that an adjuvant (LT-K63) can overcome delayed maturation of FDCs in neonates, enhance the GC reaction, and prolong the persistence of vaccine-specific AbSCs in the BM. These properties are attractive for parenteral vaccination in early life.
机译:早期的Ab反应低下且寿命短;因此,诱导保护性免疫需要反复接种疫苗。早期免疫的主要局限性之一是滤泡树突状细胞(FDC)的延迟成熟,它在介导生发中心(GC)反应,导致产生Ab分泌细胞(AbSCs)的过程中起着核心作用。我们使用与破伤风类毒素(Pnc1-TT)结合的血清型1的肺炎球菌多糖,评估了作为模型佐剂的大肠杆菌热不稳定肠毒素(LT-K63)和CpG1826的无毒突变体是否可以加速FDC成熟和免疫反应。作为模型疫苗。在新生NMRI小鼠中,单剂Pnc1-TT与LT-K63共同使用可增强Pnc1-TT诱导的GC反应。相反,CpG1826没有作用。因此,LT-K63而非CpG1826加速了FDC网络的成熟,这是通过FDC-M2 + 染色检测到的,这是成人类FDC的特征。这与MOMA-1 + 巨噬细胞向GC中的迁移相吻合,可以增强GC反应和B细胞活化。 FDC-M2 + FDC网络与TNF-α的表达增强共定位,这对于维持成熟的FDC至关重要,在新生儿中表达较差。 FDC网络的加速成熟与脾脏和骨髓中多糖和蛋白质特异性IgG + AbSC的频率增加和持续时间延长有关。就我们所知,我们的数据首次显示佐剂(LT-K63)可以克服新生儿FDC的延迟成熟,增强GC反应并延长BM中疫苗特异性AbSC的持久性。这些特性对于生命早期的肠胃外疫苗接种具有吸引力。



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