首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Immunology Author Choice >Smad4 Promotes Differentiation of Effector and Circulating Memory CD8 T Cells but Is Dispensable for Tissue-Resident Memory CD8 T Cells

Smad4 Promotes Differentiation of Effector and Circulating Memory CD8 T Cells but Is Dispensable for Tissue-Resident Memory CD8 T Cells

机译:Smad4促进分化效应子和循环记忆CD8 T细胞但对于组织驻留记忆CD8 T细胞是必不可少的。



Tissue-resident memory CD8 T cells are a unique subset of virus-specific CTLs that bolster local immune responses after becoming lodged in previously infected tissues. These cells provide enhanced protection by intercepting returning pathogens before a new infection gets established. In contrast, central memory CD8 T cells circulate in the bloodstream and proliferate in secondary lymphoid organs before replenishing effector and memory CD8 T cell populations in remote parts of the body. Both populations of virus-specific memory CD8 T cells participate in immunity to influenza virus infection; however, the signaling pathways that instruct developing memory CD8 T cells to distribute to specific tissues are poorly defined. We show that TGF-β promotes the development of pulmonary tissue-resident memory T cells via a signaling pathway that does not require the downstream signaling intermediate Sma- and Mad-related protein (Smad)4. In contrast, circulating memory CD8 T cells have no requirement for TGF-β but show signs of arrested development in the absence of Smad4, including aberrant CD103 expression. These signaling pathways alter the distribution of virus-specific CTLs in the lungs but do not prevent robust cytokine responses. Our data show that Smad4 is required for normal differentiation of multiple subsets of virus-specific CD8 T cells. In normal circumstances, Smad4 may be activated via a pathway that bypasses the TGF-β receptor. Improved understanding of these signaling pathways could be used to augment vaccine-induced immunity.
机译:组织驻留记忆CD8 T细胞是病毒特异性CTL的唯一子集,可在进入先前感染的组织后增强局部免疫应答。这些细胞通过在新的感染被建立之前拦截返回的病原体来提供增强的保护。相反,中枢记忆CD8 T细胞在血液中循环并在次要淋巴器官中增殖,然后补充身体遥远部位的效应子和记忆CD8 T细胞群体。两种病毒特异性记忆CD8 T细胞均参与针对流感病毒感染的免疫力。然而,指示发育中的记忆CD8 T细胞分布到特定组织的信号传导途径定义不清。我们表明,TGF-β通过不需要下游信号传导中间Sma和Mad相关蛋白(Smad)4的信号传导途径促进肺组织驻留记忆T细胞的发育。相比之下,循环记忆CD8 T细胞不需要TGF-β,但在缺乏Smad4的情况下会表现出停滞发展的迹象,包括CD103表达异常。这些信号通路改变了肺中病毒特异性CTL的分布,但并不能阻止强大的细胞因子反应。我们的数据表明,Smad4是病毒特异性CD8 T细胞多个子集正常分化所必需的。在正常情况下,Smad4可通过绕过TGF-β受体的途径激活。对这些信号通路的更好理解可以用来增强疫苗诱导的免疫力。



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