首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Healthcare Engineering >Breast Mass Detection in Digital Mammogram Based on Gestalt Psychology

Breast Mass Detection in Digital Mammogram Based on Gestalt Psychology




Inspired by gestalt psychology, we combine human cognitive characteristics with knowledge of radiologists in medical image analysis. In this paper, a novel framework is proposed to detect breast masses in digitized mammograms. It can be divided into three modules: sensation integration, semantic integration, and verification. After analyzing the progress of radiologist's mammography screening, a series of visual rules based on the morphological characteristics of breast masses are presented and quantified by mathematical methods. The framework can be seen as an effective trade-off between bottom-up sensation and top-down recognition methods. This is a new exploratory method for the automatic detection of lesions. The experiments are performed on Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) and Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) data sets. The sensitivity reached to 92% at 1.94 false positive per image (FPI) on MIAS and 93.84% at 2.21 FPI on DDSM. Our framework has achieved a better performance compared with other algorithms.
机译:受格式塔心理学的启发,我们在医学图像分析中将人类的认知特征与放射科医生的知识相结合。在本文中,提出了一种新颖的框架来检测数字化乳房X线照片中的乳房肿块。它可以分为三个模块:感觉整合,语义整合和验证。在分析了放射科医生的乳房X线照相检查的进展之后,提出了一系列基于乳腺肿块形态特征的视觉规则,并通过数学方法对其进行了量化。该框架可以看作是自下而上的感觉和自上而下的识别方法之间的有效折衷。这是用于自动检测病变的新探索性方法。实验是在乳腺X射线摄影图像分析学会(MIAS)和用于筛查乳腺X射线摄影的数字数据库(DDSM)数据集上进行的。在MIAS上,每张图像1.94假阳性(FPI)时,灵敏度达到92%;在DDSM上,2.21 FPI时,灵敏度达到93.84%。与其他算法相比,我们的框架取得了更好的性能。



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