首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Pandemic Spread of Cholera: Genetic Diversity and Relationships within the Seventh Pandemic Clone of Vibrio cholerae Determined by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism

Pandemic Spread of Cholera: Genetic Diversity and Relationships within the Seventh Pandemic Clone of Vibrio cholerae Determined by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism




The seventh cholera pandemic started in 1961 and continues today. A collection of 45 seventh pandemic isolates of V. cholerae sampled over a 33-year period were analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting. All but four pairs and one set of three isolates were distinguished. AFLP revealed far more variation than ribotyping, which was until now the most useful method of revealing variation within the pandemic clone. Unfortunately, the ribotype variation observed is mainly due to recombination between the multiple copies of the rrn genes (R. Lan and P. R. Reeves, Microbiology >144:1213–1221, 1998), which makes changes susceptible to repeat occurrences and reversion. This AFLP study shows that particularly for the common ribotypes G and H, such events have indeed occurred. AFLP grouped most of the 45 isolates into two clusters. Cluster I consists mainly of strains from the 1960s and 1970s, while cluster II contains mainly strains from the 1980s and 1990s, revealing a temporal pattern of change in the clone. This is best seen in the relationships of the strains from Africa, which correlate with the epidemiology of epidemics on that continent. The data confirm independent introductions to Africa during the 1970s outbreak and reveal several other African introductions. In the 1991 cholera upsurge, isolates from the Southern and Eastern African epidemic focus are markedly different from those from the West African epidemic focus. An isolate from 1987 in Algeria was identical to the West epidemic isolates, suggesting that the strain was present in Africa at least 3 years before causing large outbreaks. These observations have major implications for our understanding of cholera epidemiology.
机译:第七次霍乱大流行始于1961年,一直持续到今天。通过扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)指纹图谱分析了33年来采样的45例霍乱弧菌第七大流行分离株。除了四对和一组三个分离株之外,其他所有的都被区分出来。 AFLP揭示的变异远大于核糖分型,而核糖分型是迄今为止揭示大流行性克隆内变异的最有用方法。不幸的是,观察到的核糖型变异主要是由于rrn基因的多个拷贝之间的重组(R. Lan和PR Reeves,微生物学,> 144: 1213–1221,1998),这使得变化易于重复。发生和还原。这项AFLP研究表明,特别是对于常见的核糖型G和H,确实发生了此类事件。 AFLP将45个分离株中的大多数分为两个簇。群集I主要由1960年代和1970年代的菌株组成,而群集II主要包含1980年代和1990年代的菌株,揭示了克隆变化的时间模式。从非洲菌株的关系中可以最好地看出这一点,这种关系与该大陆流行病的流行病学有关。数据证实了1970年代暴发期间对非洲的独立引种,并揭示了其他数种非洲引种。在1991年的霍乱热潮中,来自南部和东部非洲流行病重点的分离株与来自西非流行病重点的分离株明显不同。 1987年在阿尔及利亚的分离株与西方流行病分离株相同,这表明该菌株在引起大规模暴发之前至少存在于非洲3年。这些观察结果对我们对霍乱流行病学的理解具有重要意义。



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