首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences >Type 1 Interferons Suppress Accelerated Osteoclastogenesis and Prevent Loss of Bone Mass During Systemic Inflammatory Responses to Pneumocystis Lung Infection

Type 1 Interferons Suppress Accelerated Osteoclastogenesis and Prevent Loss of Bone Mass During Systemic Inflammatory Responses to Pneumocystis Lung Infection




HIV infection causes loss of CD4+ T cells and type 1 interferon (IFN)–producing and IFN-responsive dendritic cells, resulting in immunodeficiencies and susceptibility to opportunistic infections, such as Pneumocystis. Osteoporosis and bone marrow failure are additional unexplained complications in HIV-positive patients and patients with AIDS, respectively. We recently demonstrated that mice that lack lymphocytes and IFN a/b receptor (IFrag−/−) develop bone marrow failure after Pneumocystis lung infection, whereas lymphocyte-deficient, IFN α/β receptor–competent mice (RAG−/−) had normal hematopoiesis. Interestingly, infected IFrag−/− mice also exhibited bone fragility, suggesting loss of bone mass. We quantified bone changes and evaluated the potential connection between progressing bone fragility and bone marrow failure after Pneumocystis lung infection in IFrag−/− mice. We found that Pneumocystis infection accelerated osteoclastogenesis as bone marrow failure progressed. This finding was consistent with induction of osteoclastogenic factors, including receptor-activated nuclear factor-κB ligand and the proapoptotic factor tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand, in conjunction with their shared decoy receptor osteoprotegerin, in the bone marrow of infected IFrag−/− mice. Deregulation of this axis has also been observed in HIV-positive individuals. Biphosphonate treatment of IFrag−/− mice prevented bone loss and protected loss of hematopoietic precursor cells that maintained activity in vitro but did not prevent loss of mature neutrophils. Together, these data show that bone loss and bone marrow failure are partially linked, which suggests that the deregulation of the receptor-activated nuclear factor-κB ligand/osteoprotegerin/tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand axis may connect the two phenotypes in our model.
机译:HIV感染会导致CD4 + T细胞和1型干扰素(IFN)产生细胞以及IFN反应性树突状细胞丢失,从而导致免疫缺陷和易感性感染,例如肺孢子虫。骨质疏松症和骨髓衰竭分别是HIV阳性患者和AIDS患者无法解释的其他并发症。我们最近证明,缺乏淋巴细胞和IFN a / b受体(IFrag -/-)的小鼠在肺孢子虫肺部感染后会发生骨髓衰竭,而具有淋巴细胞缺陷的,具有IFNα/β受体能力的小鼠( RAG -/-)的造血功能正常。有趣的是,受感染的IFrag -/-小鼠也表现出骨脆性,表明骨量减少。我们对IFrag -// 小鼠肺囊胚肺部感染后的骨骼变化进行了量化,并评估了进行性骨脆性与骨髓衰竭之间的潜在联系。我们发现,随着骨髓衰竭的进展,肺孢菌感染会加速破骨细胞的形成。这一发现与在感染的IFrag的骨髓中诱导破骨细胞形成因子(包括受体激活的核因子-κB配体和促凋亡因子肿瘤坏死因子相关的凋亡诱导配体)以及它们共享的诱饵受体骨保护素相一致。 sup>-/-小鼠。在HIV阳性个体中也观察到该轴的放松。 IFrag -/-小鼠的双膦酸盐处理可预防骨丢失并保护造血前体细胞的丢失,后者在体外保持活性,但不能防止成熟中性粒细胞的丢失。总之,这些数据表明骨丢失和骨髓衰竭是部分相关的,这表明与受体激活的核因子-κB配体/骨保护素/肿瘤坏死因子相关的凋亡诱导配体轴的失调可能将这两种表型联系起来。我们的模型。



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