首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology >Early events elicited by bombesin and structurally related peptides in quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells. II. Changes in Na+ and Ca2+ fluxes Na+/K+ pump activity and intracellular pH

Early events elicited by bombesin and structurally related peptides in quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells. II. Changes in Na+ and Ca2+ fluxes Na+/K+ pump activity and intracellular pH

机译:静止的Swiss 3T3细胞中的蛙皮素和​​结构相关肽引发的早期事件。二。 Na +和Ca2 +通量Na + / K +泵浦活性和细胞内pH的变化



The amphibian tetradecapeptide, bombesin, and structurally related peptides caused a marked increase in ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake (a measure of Na+/K+ pump activity) in quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells. This effect occurred within seconds after the addition of the peptide and appeared to be mediated by an increase in Na+ entry into the cells. The effect of bombesin on Na+ entry and Na+/K+ pump activity was concentration dependent with half-maximal stimulation occurring at 0.3- 0.4 nM. The structurally related peptides litorin, gastrin-releasing peptide, and neuromedin B also stimulated ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake; the relative potencies of these peptides in stimulating the Na+/K+ pump were comparable to their potencies in increasing DNA synthesis (Zachary, I., and E. Rozengurt, 1985, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 82:7616-7620). Bombesin increased Na+ influx, at least in part, through an Na+/H+ antiport. The peptide augmented intracellular pH and this effect was abolished in the absence of extracellular Na+. In addition to monovalent ion transport, bombesin and the structurally related peptides rapidly increased the efflux of 45Ca2+ from quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells. This Ca2+ came from an intracellular pool and the efflux was associated with a 50% decrease in total intracellular Ca2+. The peptides also caused a rapid increase in cytosolic free calcium concentration. Prolonged pretreatment of Swiss 3T3 cells with phorbol dibutyrate, which causes a loss of protein kinase C activity (Rodriguez- Pena, A., and E. Rozengurt, 1984, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 120:1053-1059), greatly decreased the stimulation of 86Rb+ uptake and Na+ entry by bombesin implicating this phosphotransferase system in the mediation of part of these responses to bombesin. Since some activation of monovalent ion transport by bombesin was seen in phorbol dibutyrate- pretreated cells, it is likely that the peptide also stimulates monovalent ion transport by a second mechanism.
机译:两栖动物四十肽,蛙皮素和结构相关的肽在静止的Swiss 3T3细胞中引起哇巴因敏感的86Rb +摄取(Na + / K +泵浦活性的量度)显着增加。在添加肽后几秒钟内就出现了这种效应,并且似乎是由于Na +进入细胞的增加而介导的。蛙皮素对Na +进入和Na + / K +泵浦活性的影响是浓度依赖性的,在0.3-0.4 nM处发生半最大刺激。结构相关的肽利托林,胃泌素释放肽和神经调节素B也刺激了哇巴因敏感的86Rb +吸收。这些肽在刺激Na + / K +泵中的相对效价与它们在增加DNA合成中的效价相当(Zachary,I.和E. Rozengurt,1985,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA。,82:7616- 7620)。轰炸蛋白至少部分通过Na + / H +反向转运增加了Na +的流入。该肽增加了细胞内的pH值,并且在不存在细胞外Na +的情况下,这种作用消失了。除单价离子转运外,蛙皮素和与结构相关的肽还迅速增加了静止的Swiss 3T3细胞45Ca2 +的流出。 Ca2 +来自细胞内池,外排与细胞内总Ca2 +减少50%相关。肽还引起细胞内游离钙浓度的快速增加。用佛波二丁酸酯对Swiss 3T3细胞进行长时间的预处理,这会导致蛋白激酶C活性的丧失(Rodriguez-Pena,A。和E. Rozengurt,1984,Biochem。Biophys。Res。Commun。,120:1053-1059),轰击蛋白大大降低了86Rb +吸收和Na +进入的刺激,这牵涉该磷酸转移酶系统介导了这些对轰击蛋白的反应的一部分。由于在佛波二丁酸酯预处理过的细胞中观察到了蛙皮素对单价离子运输的某些激活作用,因此该肽也可能通过第二种机制刺激单价离子运输。



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