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  • NLM标题: Int J Oral Sci
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  • 机译 冷光活化漂白处理对搪瓷表面的影响
    摘要:This in vitro study aims to evaluate the crystal and surface microstructure of dental enamel after cold-light bleaching treatment. Twelve sound human premolars were cross-split into four specimens, namely, mesio-buccal (Group LP), disto-buccal (Group P), mesio-lingual (Group NP) and disto-lingual (Group L) specimens. These four groups were treated using the standard cold-light bleaching procedure, a bleaching agent, a peroxide-free bleaching agent and cold-light, respectively. Before and after treatment, all specimens were analyzed by high-resolution, micro-area X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Using a spectrometer, tooth color of all specimens was measured before and after treatment. The phase of the enamel crystals was identified as hydroxyapatite and carbonated hydroxyapatite. After treatment, specimens in Groups LP and P showed significantly weaker X-ray diffraction peaks, significant reduction in crystal size and crystallinity, significant increase in L* but decrease in a* and b*, and obvious alterations in the surface morphology. However, specimens in Groups NP and L did not show any significant changes. The cold-light bleaching treatment leads to demineralization in the enamel surface. The acidic peroxide-containing bleaching agent was the major cause of demineralization, whereas cold-light did not exhibit significant increase or decrease effect on this demineralization.
  • 机译 反向L形截骨和骨植骨矫正下颌骨缺损
    摘要:This study was to describe the use of inverted-L osteotomy of ramus and iliac bone graft for the management of mandibular deficiency in adult patients. From 2008 to 2010, 11 patients (aged 19 to 29 years) with mandibular deficiency underwent intraoral or extraoral inverted-L osteotomy of ramus and iliac crest bone grafting. Data were collected from the patients' records, photographs and radiographs. The height and width of the ramus were successfully expanded by inverted-L osteotomy and iliac crest bone grafting with minimal complications in all patients, resulting in significant improvement in occlusion and facial appearance. Our early results showed that the inverted-L osteotomy of ramus and iliac crest bone grafting is safe and effective, and should be considered as a good alternative for the patients with mandibular deficiency.
  • 机译 咀嚼疲劳对石英纤维后核和冠修复的无牙髓牙齿的抗断裂性的影响
    摘要:To investigate whether masticatory fatigue affects the fracture resistance and pattern of lower premolars restored with quartz-fiber post–core and full crown, 44 single rooted lower premolars recently extracted from orthodontic patients were divided into two groups of 22 each. The crowns of all teeth were removed and endodontically treated and then restored with quartz-fiber post–core and full crown. Twenty-two teeth in one group were selected randomly and circularly loaded at 45° to the long axis of the teeth of 127.4 N at a 6 Hz frequency, and the other group was not delivered to cyclic loading and considered as control. Subsequently, all teeth in two groups were continually loaded to fail at 45° to the long axis of the teeth at a crosshead speed of 1 mm⋅min−1. The mean destructive force values were (733.88±254.99) and (869.14±280.26) N for the experimental and the control group, respectively, and no statistically significant differences were found between two groups (P>0.05). Bevel fracture and horizontal fracture in the neck of root were the major fracture mode of the specimens. Under the circumstances of this study, it seems that cyclic loading does not affect the fracture strength and pattern of the quartz-fiber post–core–crown complex.
  • 机译 牙根发育的分子调控机制
    摘要:The root is crucial for the physiological function of the tooth, and a healthy root allows an artificial crown to function as required clinically. Tooth crown development has been studied intensively during the last few decades, but root development remains not well understood. Here we review the root development processes, including cell fate determination, induction of odontoblast and cementoblast differentiation, interaction of root epithelium and mesenchyme, and other molecular mechanisms. This review summarizes our current understanding of the signaling cascades and mechanisms involved in root development. It also sets the stage for de novo tooth regeneration.
  • 机译 牙齿植入物/骨骼界面的微动和综合损伤
    摘要:Micromotion and fretting damages at the dental implant/bone interface are neglected for the limitation of check methods, but it is particularly important for the initial success of osseointegration and the life time of dental implant. This review article describes the scientific documentation of micromotion and fretting damages on the dental implant/bone interface. The fretting amplitude is less than 30 µm in vitro and the damage in the interface is acceptable. While in vivo, the micromotion's effect is the combination of damage in tissue level and the real biological reaction.
  • 机译 正颌外科手术和颌间固定术后口腔中痕量气体浓度的变化:使用选定离子流管质谱仪的案例研究
    • 作者:Brian M Ross
    • 刊名:International Journal of Oral Science
    • 2011年第3期
    摘要:Orthognathic surgery is frequently accompanied by intermaxillary fixation. Intermaxillary fixation impedes the maintenance of effective oral hygiene and prolonged fixation can result in periodontal disease. A potential shorter term effect is the generation of oral malodour. It is unclear, however, as to how the production of malodorous compounds in the oral cavity is altered post-surgery. Oral air concentration of sulphur containing compounds, short chain organic acids, ammonia, isoprene and acetone were measured using selected ion flow tube-mass spectrometry in a patient who had undergone orthognathic surgery with subsequent intermaxillary fixation. Total sulphide levels rose approximately 5-fold during fixation with metal ties, with smaller increases recorded for the other compounds measured with the exception of isoprene which remained close to baseline levels. Organic acid levels declined markedly once elastic ties had replaced metal ties, with a lesser reduction being observed in sulphide levels, with both declining further after the commencement of a chlorhexidine-containing mouthwash. These data suggest that bacterial generation of a variety of malodorous compounds increases markedly following intermaxillary fixation. This single case also suggests that the use of elastic ties and effective oral hygiene techniques, including the use of chlorhexidine mouthwash, may help ameliorate such post-surgical effects.
  • 机译 人类牙周病和健康牙龈组织microRNA图谱的比较
    摘要:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been demonstrated to play an important role in regulation of the immuno-inflammatory response; however, the function of miRNAs in periodontal inflammation has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to explore the properties of miRNAs in periodontal inflammation by comparing miRNA profiles of inflamed and healthy gingival tissues. Gingival tissues were obtained from 10 periodontitis patients and 10 healthy subjects. After RNA extraction, miRNA profiles were analyzed by microarray, and expression levels of selected miRNAs were confirmed by real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Analyses using two computational methods, Targetscan and MicroRNA.org, were combined to identify common targets of these miRNAs. Finally, the individual miRNA expression levels of three toll-like receptor (TLR)-related miRNAs from inflamed and healthy gingival tissues were evaluated by RT-PCR. Ninety-one miRNAs were found to be upregulated and thirty-four downregulated over two-fold in inflamed gingival tissue compared with those in healthy gingival tissue. Twelve selected inflammatory-related miRNAs, hsa-miR-126*, hsa-miR-20a, hsa-miR-142-3p, hsa-miR-19a, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-203, hsa-miR-17, hsa-miR-223, hsa-miR-146b, hsa-miR-146a, hsa-miR-155, and hsa-miR-205 showed comparable expression levels by microarray and real-time quantitative RT-PCR analyses. In addition, the putative inflammation targets of these miRNAs were predicted, and three that were tested (hsa-miRNA-146a, hsa-miRNA-146b, and hsa-miRNA-155), showed significant differences between inflamed and healthy gingiva. This remarkable difference in miRNA profiles between periodontal diseased and healthy gingiva implicates a probable close relationship between miRNAs and periodontal inflammation. The data also suggest that the regulation of TLRs in periodontal inflammation may involve miRNA pathways.
  • 机译 牙齿解剖危险因素影响根管工作长度的可及性
    摘要:The aim of this study was to analyze the specific influence of root canal anatomy on the accessibility of working length during root canal therapy. Four hundred seventy-six root canal therapy cases (amounting to a total of 1 005 root canals) were examined. The anatomy risk factors assessed in each case included: tooth type (tooth location), root canal curvature, and root canal calcification, as well as endodontic retreatment. The investigation examined the correlation between each of these anatomic factors and the working length, with statistical analysis consisting of Chi-square tests and multiple logistic regression analysis. In an independent factor analysis, tooth type (tooth location), root canal curvature, canal calcification, and endodontic retreatment were determined to be the primary risk factors. In a multiple-factor regression model, root curvature and canal calcification were found to most significantly influence root canal working length accessibility (P<0.05). Root canal anatomy increases the difficulty of root canal preparation. Appropriate consideration of tooth anatomy will assist in accurate determination of preparation difficulty before instrumentation. This study alerts clinical therapists to anatomical factors influencing the working length accessibility, and allows for a direct estimate of success rate given in situ measurements of tooth factors during the root canal treatment procedure.
  • 机译 原发性肿瘤患病率影响转移至颌骨的组成比,但不影响转移部位
    摘要:This article provides an overview of metastases to jaws (MJ), mainly concerning the differences between American and Chinese patients, and exploring the relationship between the primary tumors' prevalence (PTP) and constituent ratio of MJ. Information concerning of 399 MJ cases in 215 papers, including one new case in our hospital, was subjected to statistic analysis. The main clinical features of MJ, such as constituent ratio of PTP and that of MJ, metastatic sites, treatments, and prognosis were summarized. Breast, lung, kidney, prostate and thyroid (in descending order) were the leading primary sites of MJ. Furthermore, the constituent ratio of MJ was found to be correlated with that of PTP in all subjects including American and Chinese subjects in our study. As to metastatic sites in the mandible, a specific “M” shaped pattern appeared regardless of the tumor type or constituent ratios of MJ were in all subjects. Almost all subjects received traditionally palliative treatments, and the prognosis was quite poor. The PTP had a significant impact on the constituent ratio of MJ. However, it was the properties of the microenvironment rather than characteristics or constituent ratios of tumor cells, that decided the metastatic sites in various tumor subjects.
  • 机译 牙齿再生:口腔医学的一场革命和再生医学的发展
    摘要:A tooth is a complex biological organ and consists of multiple tissues including the enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp. Tooth loss is the most common organ failure. Can a tooth be regenerated? Can adult stem cells be orchestrated to regenerate tooth structures such as the enamel, dentin, cementum and dental pulp, or even an entire tooth? If not, what are the therapeutically viable sources of stem cells for tooth regeneration? Do stem cells necessarily need to be taken out of the body, and manipulated ex vivo before they are transplanted for tooth regeneration? How can regenerated teeth be economically competitive with dental implants? Would it be possible to make regenerated teeth affordable by a large segment of the population worldwide? This review article explores existing and visionary approaches that address some of the above-mentioned questions. Tooth regeneration represents a revolution in stomatology as a shift in the paradigm from repair to regeneration: repair is by metal or artificial materials whereas regeneration is by biological restoration. Tooth regeneration is an extension of the concepts in the broad field of regenerative medicine to restore a tissue defect to its original form and function by biological substitutes.
  • 机译 去分化的脂肪细胞:来自脂肪组织的成年多能细胞的另一种来源
    摘要:When adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are retrieved from the stromal vascular portion of adipose tissue, a large amount of mature adipocytes are often discarded. However, by modified ceiling culture technique based on their buoyancy, mature adipocytes can be easily isolated from the adipose cell suspension and dedifferentiated into lipid-free fibroblast-like cells, named dedifferentiated fat (DFAT) cells. DFAT cells re-establish active proliferation ability and undertake multipotent capacities. Compared with ASCs and other adult stem cells, DFAT cells showed unique advantages in their abundance, isolation and homogeneity. In this concise review, the establishment and culture methods of DFAT cells are introduced and the current profiles of their cellular nature are summarized. Under proper induction culture in vitro or environment in vivo, DFAT cells could demonstrate adipogenic, osteogenic, chondrogenic and myogenic potentials. In angiogenic conditions, DFAT cells could exhibit perivascular characteristics and elicit neovascularization. Our preliminary findings also suggested the pericyte phenotype underlying such cell lineage, which supported a novel interpretation about the common origin of mesenchymal stem cells and tissue-specific stem cells within blood vessel walls. Current research on DFAT cells indicated that this alternative source of adult multipotent cells has great potential in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
  • 机译 上颌第二,第三磨牙解剖结构异常的患者的三维计算机地形分析
    摘要:We present a case of a patient with rare anatomy of a maxillary second molar with three mesiobuccal root canals and a maxillary third molar with four separate roots, identified using multi-slice computed topography (CT) and three-dimensional reconstruction techniques. The described case enriched/might enrich our knowledge about possible anatomical aberrations of maxillary molars. In addition, we demonstrate the role of multi-slice CT as an objective tool for confirmatory diagnosis and successful endodontic management.
  • 机译 基质金属蛋白酶-2在人冠状牙本质中的分布及其相对活性
    摘要:The presence of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in dentin has been reported, but its distribution and activity level in mature human coronal dentin are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to determine the MMP-2 distribution and relative activity in demineralized dentin. Crowns of twenty eight human molars were sectioned into inner (ID), middle (MD), and outer dentin (OD) regions and demineralized. MMP-2 was extracted with 0.33 mol·L−1 EDTA/2 mol·L−1 guanidine-HCl, pH 7.4, and MMP-2 concentration was estimated with enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay (ELISA). Further characterization was accomplished by Western blotting analysis and gelatin zymography. The mean concentrations of MMP-2 per mg dentin protein in the dentin regions were significantly different (P=0.043): 0.9 ng (ID), 0.4 ng (MD), and 2.2 ng (OD), respectively. The pattern of MMP-2 concentration was OD>ID>MD. Western blotting analysis detected ∼66 and ∼72 kDa immunopositive proteins corresponding to pro- and mature MMP-2, respectively, in the ID and MD, and a ∼66 kDa protein in the OD. Gelatinolytic activity consistent with MMP-2 was detected in all regions. Interestingly, the pattern of levels of Western blot immunodetection and gelatinolytic activity was MD>ID>OD. The concentration of MMP-2 in human coronal dentin was highest in the region of dentin that contains the dentinoenamel junction and least in the middle region of dentin. However, levels of Western blot immunodetection and gelatinolytic activity did not correlate with the estimated regional concentrations of MMP-2, potentially indicating region specific protein interactions.
  • 机译 E2FBP1通过调节早幼粒细胞白血病蛋白的稳定性,拮抗p16INK4A-Rb肿瘤抑制器的生长抑制和细胞衰老
    摘要:Cellular senescence is an irreversible cell cycle arrest triggered by the activation of oncogenes or mitogenic signaling as well as the enforced expression of tumor suppressors such as p53, p16INK4A and promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) in normal cells. E2F-binding protein 1 (E2FBP1), a transcription regulator for E2F, induces PML reduction and suppresses the formation of PML-nuclear bodies, whereas the down-regulation of E2FBP1 provokes the PML-dependent premature senescence in human normal fibroblasts. Here we report that the depletion of E2FBP1 induces the accumulation of PML through the Ras-dependent activation of MAP kinase signaling. The cellular levels of p16INK4A and p53 are elevated during premature senescence induced by depletion of E2FBP1, and the depletion of p16INK4A, but not p53 rescued senescent cells from growth arrest. Therefore, the premature senescence induced by E2FBP1 depletion is achieved through the p16INK4A-Rb pathway. Similar to human normal fibroblasts, the growth inhibition induced by E2FBP1 depletion is also observed in human tumor cells with intact p16INK4A and Rb. These results suggest that E2FBP1 functions as a critical antagonist to the p16INK4A-Rb tumor suppressor machinery by regulating PML stability.
  • 机译 牙龈卟啉单胞菌在牙龈鳞状细胞癌中的存在
    摘要:Periodontal disease has been recently linked to a variety of systemic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, preterm delivery, and oral cancer. The most common bacteria associated with periodontal disease, Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) has not yet been studied in the malignant gingival tissues. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of P. gingivalis in specimens from squamous cell carcinoma patients. We have performed immunohistochemical staining to investigate the presence of P. gingivalis and Streptococcus gordonii (S. gordonii), a non invasive oral bacteria, in paraffin embedded samples of gingival squamous cell carcinoma (n=10) and normal gingiva (n=5). Staining for P. gingivalis revealed the presence of the bacteria in normal gingival tissues and gingival carcinoma, with higher levels (more than 33%, P<0.05) detected in the carcinoma samples. The staining intensity was also significantly enhanced in the malignant tissue by 2 folds (P<0.023) compared to specimens stained for the non-invasive S. gordonii. P. gingivalis is abundantly present in malignant oral epithelium suggesting a potential association of the bacteria with gingival squamous cell carcinoma.
  • 机译 血管生成在口腔鳞状细胞癌发生和转移中的作用:免疫组织化学研究
    摘要:Although a few studies have shown that vascularity is increased from normal mucosa to dysplasia to carcinoma suggesting that disease progression in the oral mucosa is accompanied by angiogenesis. The role in lymph node metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is equivocal. Role of angiogenesis in OSCC development and metastasis is evaluated in this study. This retrospective study of 50 samples consisted of 9 normal buccal mucosa, 22 leukoplakias, and 19 OSCC. Polyclonal antibodies to von-Willebrand factor were used to highlight the microvessels. Images were captured and morphometric image analysis was done for microvessel density (MVD), area, and perimeter. Highest, as well as mean values of these three parameters were compared. MVD and perimeter, but not area, are significantly different between normal mucosa and OSCC, and leukoplakia and OSCC. There were no differences between normal mucosa and leukoplakia. MVD, area, and perimeter were not significantly different between the OSCC with and without lymph node metastasis. The highest and mean values of MVD are significantly correlated. In the development of OSCC, angiogenic phenotypic change occurs in carcinomas rather than in the pre-cancerous stage, and quantification of angiogenesis in OSCC does not predict the risk of lymph node metastasis.
  • 机译 microRNA,活跃且多用途的癌症组织
    摘要:microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs that function as endogenous triggers of the RNA interference pathway. Studies have shown that thousands of human protein-coding genes are regulated by miRNAs, indicating that miRNAs are master regulators of many important biological processes, such as cancer development. miRNAs frequently have deregulated expression in many types of human cancers, and play critical roles in tumorigenesis, which functions either as tumor suppressors or as oncogenes. Recent studies have shown that miRNAs are highly related with cancer progression, including initiating, growth, apoptosis, invasion, and metastasis. Furthermore, miRNAs are shown to be responsible for the cancer-related inflammation, anti-cancer drug resistance, and regulation of cancer stem cells. Therefore, miRNAs have generated great interest as a novel strategy in cancer diagnosis and therapy. Here we review the versatile roles of miRNAs in cancers and their potential applications for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment as biomarkers.
  • 机译 DNA修复和合成杀伤力
    摘要:Tumors often have DNA repair defects, suggesting additional inhibition of other DNA repair pathways in tumors may lead to synthetic lethality. Accumulating data demonstrate that DNA repair-defective tumors, in particular homologous recombination (HR), are highly sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Thus, HR-defective tumors exhibit potential vulnerability to the synthetic lethality approach, which may lead to new therapeutic strategies. It is well known that poly (adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors show the synthetically lethal effect in tumors defective in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes encoded proteins that are required for efficient HR. In this review, we summarize the strategies of targeting DNA repair pathways and other DNA metabolic functions to cause synthetic lethality in HR-defective tumor cells.
  • 机译 口腔鳞状细胞癌对侧颈部转移相关的临床和组织学参数研究
    摘要:Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has a high incidence of cervical micrometastases and sometimes metastasizes contralaterally because of the rich lymphatic intercommunications relative to submucosal plexus of oral cavity that freely communicate across the midline, and it can facilitate the spread of neoplastic cells to any area of the neck consequently. Clinical and histopathologic factors continue to provide predictive information to contralateral neck metastases (CLNM) in OSCC, which determine prophylactic and adjuvant treatments for an individual patient. This review describes the predictive value of clinical-histopathologic factors, which relate to primary tumor and cervical lymph nodes, and surgical dissection and adjuvant treatments. In addition, the indications for elective contralateral neck dissection and adjuvant radiotherapy (aRT) and strategies for follow-up are offered, which is strongly focused by clinicians to prevent later CLNM and poor prognosis subsequently.
  • 机译 一例六岁儿童口腔内脂肪瘤的罕见病例:一例报告
    摘要:One type of soft tissue lesions of the oral cavity is lipoma, which is a kind of benign tumor composed of mature lipid cells. Although the lipoma presents as one of the most common mesenchymal neoplasms, most tend to develop on the trunk and proximal portions of the extremities. However, lipomas in the oral and maxillofacial region are much less frequent. Here we present a case of an intraoral lipoma in a six year-old child.


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