首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Finding the Optimal D/H Ratio for an Enclosed Urban Square: Testing an Urban Design Principle Using Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation Techniques

Finding the Optimal D/H Ratio for an Enclosed Urban Square: Testing an Urban Design Principle Using Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation Techniques

机译:找到封闭的城市广场的最佳D / H比:使用沉浸式虚拟现实仿真技术测试城市设计原理



Using immersive virtual reality (VR), this study examined the D/H ratio principle (where “D” means the depth or width of a public space and “H” means the height of its surrounding buildings.) that urban design theorists have suggested as an important design principle for public spaces. The authors built VR models of eight enclosed urban public squares with different D/H ratios ranging from 1/3 to 6/1. They then carried out an experiment in the form of a visual assessment survey using the VR models with 69 university students majoring in urban planning and compared the optimal D/H ratios from the experimental results with those proposed by urban design theorists. The statistical analysis of the experimental results revealed that the optimal D/H ratios for most qualities of public squares are larger than the optimal ratios claimed by theorists.
机译:这项研究使用沉浸式虚拟现实(VR),研究了D / H比例原理(其中“ D”表示公共空间的深度或宽度,而“ H”表示其周围建筑物的高度)。作为公共空间的重要设计原则。作者构建了八个封闭的城市公共广场的VR模型,这些城市的D / H比从1/3到6/1。然后,他们使用VR模型以视觉评估调查的形式进行了一项实验,对69名城市规划专业的大学生进行了比较,并将实验结果中的最佳D / H比与城市设计理论家提出的最佳D / H比进行了比较。实验结果的统计分析表明,大多数公共广场质量的最佳D / H比值大于理论家所主张的最佳比率。



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