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  • 机译 早期职业生涯研究员的生活:Kavita Beri访谈
    • 作者:Kavita Beri
    • 刊名:Future Science OA
    • 2016年第2期
    摘要:Kavita Beri speaks to Francesca Lake, Managing Editor. Kavita Beri is a board certified Internal Medicine physician in the United States, and is an active member of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery. She is the medical director and owner of BE Skin & Laser Med Spa, an aesthetic medicine practice in NJ, USA. She holds a position as a Visiting Scientist at the Department of Biomaterials and Center for Dermal Research at Rutgers University (NJ, USA) and is an active staff member in the Department of Medicine at Jersey Shore University Medical Center (NJ, USA). She holds two research patents and has presented her research at international regenerative medicine conferences. She is a frequent contributor to biomedical literature, with particular research interests in tissue engineering with stem cells combined with lasers, including cancer stem cells, and medicinal properties of plant stem cells in wound healing and skin regeneration. She is an avid practitioner of Yoga and holds a strong interest in how Yogic and Vedic philosophy may guide scientific intuition and discovery.
  • 机译 绞痛管理:Staiano和Miele教授访谈
    摘要:Annamaria Staiano and Erasmo Miele speak to Francesca Lake, Managing Editor: Following the presentation of the results from an Italian trial on the treatment of infantile colic through the combination of herbal agents and probiotics, Annamaria Staiano (Professor of Paediatrics) and Erasmo Miele (Assistant Professor of Paediatrics; both Naples University, Italy) discuss childhood gastrointestinal disorders. With an introduction to the topic written by Staiano, Miele proceeds to further discuss the topic.
  • 机译 作为早期职业研究员的生活:采访赫洛伊莎·海伦娜·米利奥利
    摘要:Heloisa Helena Milioli speaks to Francesca Lake, Managing Editor: Heloisa received a BSc degree in Biological Sciences (2008) from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil) and obtained a MSc degree in Genetics (2011) from Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil). In 2011 and 2012, she worked as a lecturer and tutor in the Department of Cell Biology, Embryology and Genetics (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina). She moved to Australia in 2012 to obtain her PhD in Biological Sciences, with emphasis on Bioinformatics, from The University of Newcastle. Her doctoral work brings together new considerations in the breast cancer field by combining novel bioinformatics approaches with the study of intrinsic subtypes. She has been applying advanced methods and sophisticated algorithms in unconventional computer architecture for the molecular classification of breast cancer based on the genomic (single nucleotide polymorphisms, circulating nucleic acids and copy number variations) and transcriptomic (gene expression and miRNA) signatures. Fundamental research will allow her to identify biomarkers of use in translational medicine for the diagnosis, prognosis and disease management focused on group-based tailored therapies.
  • 机译 避免肾脏疾病的遗留:关注儿童
    摘要:World Kidney Day 2016 focuses on kidney disease in childhood and the antecedents of adult kidney disease that can begin in earliest childhood. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in childhood differs from that in adults, as the largest diagnostic group among children includes congenital anomalies and inherited disorders, with glomerulopathies and kidney disease in the setting of diabetes being relatively uncommon. In addition, many children with acute kidney injury will ultimately develop sequelae that may lead to hypertension and CKD in later childhood or in adult life. Children born early or who are small-for date newborns have relatively increased risk for the development of CKD later in life. Persons with a high-risk birth and early childhood history should be watched closely in order to help detect early signs of kidney disease in time to provide effective prevention or treatment. Successful therapy is feasible for advanced CKD in childhood; there is evidence that children fare better than adults, if they receive kidney replacement therapy including dialysis and transplantation, while only a minority of children may require this ultimate intervention. Because there are disparities in access to care, effort is needed so that those children with kidney disease, wherever they live, may be treated effectively, irrespective of their geographic or economic circumstances. Our hope is that World Kidney Day will inform the general public, policy makers and caregivers about the needs and possibilities surrounding kidney disease in childhood.
  • 机译 不同金属氧化物纳米粒子对人肺上皮细胞的激活途径分析
    摘要:Nanoparticles (Nps) can induce toxicity in the lung by accidental or intentional exposure. The main objective of the study reported here was to characterize the effect that four metal oxide Nps (CeO2, TiO2, Al2O3 and ZnO) had at the cellular level on a human lung epithelial cell line. This goal was achieved by studying the capacity of the Nps to activate the main mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and the nuclear factor NFκB. Only ZnO Nps were able to activate all of the MAPKs and the release of Zn2+ ions was the main cause of activation. ZnO and Al2O3 Nps activated the NFκB pathway and induced the release of inflammatory cytokines. CeO2 and TiO2 Nps were found to have safer profiles. The graphical abstract was obtained using Servier Medical Art.
  • 机译 用于基于目标质谱的快速蛋白质组学的商用纳米液相色谱柱的比较
    摘要:Aim:We compared four commonly used, commercially available reverse phase nanoLC columns for identification/determination of Wnt/β-catenin-related pathway proteins.
  • 机译 产后心肌源祖细胞的发育起源
    摘要:Aim:To trace the cell origin of the cells involved in postnatal cardiomyogenesis.
  • 机译 牙齿组织工程:天然支架的牙齿脱细胞
    摘要:Aim:Tissue engineering is a multidisciplinary science that aims to produce replacement organs and biological substitutes. One of the techniques involves decellularizing a biological organ without altering its structure. One challenge is how to demonstrate which method would be better for this process.
  • 机译 控制不佳的糖尿病患者术前就诊时间与手术日血糖之间的关系
    摘要:Background:This study evaluated referral patterns for preoperative evaluations of patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus (DM) and determined whether intervals between evaluations and surgery day were associated with preoperative glucose levels.
  • 机译 呼吸年轻的皮肤:“通过瑜伽逆转皮肤衰老的分子机制”
    • 作者:Kavita Beri
    • 刊名:Future Science OA
    • 2016年第2期
  • 机译 BluePen Biomarkers LLC:集成的生物标志物解决方案
    摘要:BluePen Biomarkers provides a unique comprehensive multi-omics biomarker discovery and validation platform. We can quantify, integrate and analyze genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics biomarkers, alongside clinical data, demographics and other phenotypic data. A unique bio-inspired signal processing analytic approach is used that has the proven ability to identify biomarkers in a wide variety of diseases. The resulting biomarkers can be used for diagnosis, prognosis, mechanistic studies and predicting treatment response, in contexts from core research through clinical trials. BluePen Biomarkers provides an additional groundbreaking research goal: identifying surrogate biomarkers from different modalities. This not only provides new biological insights, but enables least invasive, least-cost tests that meet or exceed the predictive quality of current tests.
  • 机译 蛋白质错折叠疾病
  • 机译 神经元受体的聚集倾向:在神经退行性疾病中的潜在影响
    摘要:Misfolding and aggregation of proteins in tissues is linked to the onset of a diverse set of human neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. In these pathologies proteins usually aggregate into highly ordered and β-sheet enriched amyloid fibrils. However, the formation of these toxic structures is not restricted to a reduced set of polypeptides but rather an intrinsic property of proteins. This suggests that the number of proteins involved in conformational disorders might be much larger than previously thought. The propensity of a protein to form amyloid assemblies is imprinted in its sequence and can be read using computational approaches. Here, we exploit four of these algorithms to analyze the presence of aggregation-prone regions in the sequence and structure of the extracellular domains of several neuroreceptors, with the idea of identifying patches that can interact anomalously with other aggregation-prone molecules such as the amyloid-β peptide or promote their self-assembly. The number of amyloidogenic regions in these domains is rather low but they are significantly exposed to solvent and therefore are suitable for interactions. We find a significant overlap between aggregation-prone regions and receptors interfaces and/or ligand-binding sites, which illustrates an unavoidable competition between the formation of functional native interactions and that of dangerous amyloid-like contacts leading to disease.
  • 机译 淀粉样蛋白聚集的阴阳
    摘要:Intra- and extra-cellular amyloid protein fibers are traditionally coupled to a series of devastating and incurable neurodegenerative disorders. Since the discovery of physiologically useful amyloids, our attention has been shifting from pure pathology to function, as amyloid aggregation seems to constitute a basis for the functional and dynamic assembly of biological structures. The following article summarizes how the cell profits from such an unconventional high-risk aggregation at the rim of physiologic utility and pathologic catastrophe.
  • 机译 使用模型系统揭示蛋白质错误折叠疾病
    摘要:Experimental model systems have long been used to probe the causes, consequences and mechanisms of pathology leading to human disease. Ideally, such information can be exploited to inform the development of therapeutic strategies or treatments to combat disease progression. In the case of protein misfolding diseases, a wide range of model systems have been developed to investigate different aspects of disorders including Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Utility of these systems broadly correlates with evolutionary complexity: small animal models such as rodents and the fruit fly are appropriate for pharmacological modeling and cognitive/behavioral assessment, the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans allows analysis of tissue-specific disease features, and unicellular organisms such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the bacterium Escherichia coli are ideal for molecular studies. In this chapter, we highlight key advances in our understanding of protein misfolding/unfolding disease provided by model systems.
  • 机译 滑膜肉瘤患者获得性噬血细胞综合征:一例报告
    摘要:Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a syndrome characterized by severe hyperinflammation due to an overwhelming ineffective immune response to different triggers. Most important symptoms are fever, hepatosplenomegaly and cytopenias. Biochemical signs include elevated ferritin, hypertriglyceridemia and low fibrinogen. Hemophagocytosis in the bone marrow is a hallmark of this syndrome. Based on the pathogenetic mechanism, it can be classified into primary (inherited) or secondary (acquired) HLH. We report, to our knowledge, the first case of acquired hemophagocytic syndrome that arose in a 20-year-old man affected by synovial sarcoma as a complication during chemotherapy.
  • 机译 蛋白质错误折叠疾病中的细胞应激反应
    摘要:Many human diseases, particularly neurodegenerative diseases, are associated with protein misfolding. Cellular protein quality control includes all processes that ensure proper protein folding and thus prevent the toxic consequences of protein misfolding. The heat shock response (HSR) and the unfolded protein response (UPR) are major stress response pathways within protein quality control that antagonize protein misfolding in the cytosol and the endoplasmic reticulum, respectively. Huntington's disease is an inherited neurodegenerative disease caused by the misfolding of an abnormally expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) region in the protein huntingtin (Htt), polyQHtt. Using Huntington's disease as a paradigm, I review here the central role of both the HSR and the UPR in defining the toxicity associated with polyQHtt in Huntington's disease. These findings may begin to unravel a previously unappreciated cooperation between different stress response pathways in cells expressing misfolded proteins and consequently in neurodegenerative diseases.
  • 机译 基于抗体的微阵列和数字全息技术的接口实现了无标记的细胞体积检测
    摘要:Background:We introduce the combination of digital holographic microscopy (DHM) and antibody microarrays as a powerful tool to measure morphological changes in specifically antibody-captured cells. The aim of the study was to develop DHM for analysis of cell death of etoposide-treated suspension cells.
  • 机译 淀粉样蛋白在疟疾病理生理中的可能作用
    摘要:The main therapeutic and prophylactic tools against malaria have been locked for more than a century in the classical approaches of using drugs targeting metabolic processes of the causing agent, the protist Plasmodium spp., and of designing vaccines against chosen antigens found on the parasite's surface. Given the extraordinary resources exhibited by Plasmodium to escape these traditional strategies, which have not been able to free humankind from the scourge of malaria despite much effort invested in them, new concepts have to be explored in order to advance toward eradication of the disease. In this context, amyloid-forming proteins and peptides found in the proteome of the pathogen should perhaps cease being regarded as mere anomalous molecules. Their likely functionality in the pathophysiology of Plasmodium calls for attention being paid to them as a possible Achilles’ heel of malaria. Here we will give an overview of Plasmodium-encoded amyloid-forming polypeptides as potential therapeutic targets and toxic elements, particularly in relation to cerebral malaria and the blood–brain barrier function. We will also discuss the recent finding that the genome of the parasite contains an astonishingly high proportion of prionogenic domains.
  • 机译 雷格非尼在PDGFRA突变的胃肠道间质瘤中的临床活性
    摘要:Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is the most frequent mesenchymal tumor of the gastrointestinal tract and one of the most frequent sarcoma. Mutually exclusive KIT and PDGFRA mutations are central events in GIST pathogenesis, and their understanding is crucial because specific treatment targeting oncogenic KIT and PDGFRA activation (especially imatinib) has become available. The most frequent PDGFRA mutation (D842V) is associated with primary resistance to imatinib. Data related to regorafenib efficacy in PDGFRA-mutated GIST are lacking. We report here a case report of a prolonged response with regorafenib in a patient with a PDGFRA-mutated GIST.


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