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Reinvestigating the early embryogenesis in the flatworm Maritigrella crozieri highlights the unique spiral cleavage program found in polyclad flatworms

机译:重新研究扁虫蠕虫Maritigrella crozieri的早期胚胎形成过程突出了在包层扁虫中发现的独特螺旋切割程序



BackgroundSpiral cleavage is a conserved, early developmental mode found in several phyla of Lophotrochozoans resulting in highly diverse adult body plans. While the cleavage pattern has clearly been broadly conserved, it has also undergone many modifications in various taxa. The precise mechanisms of how different adaptations have altered the ancestral spiral cleavage pattern are an important ongoing evolutionary question, and adequately answering this question requires obtaining a broad developmental knowledge of different spirally cleaving taxa. In flatworms (Platyhelminthes), the spiral cleavage program has been lost or severely modified in most taxa. Polyclad flatworms, however, have retained the pattern up to the 32-cell stage. Here we study early embryogenesis of the cotylean polyclad flatworm Maritigrella crozieri to investigate how closely this species follows the canonical spiral cleavage pattern and to discover any potential deviations from it.
机译:背景螺旋分裂是一种保守的早期发育模式,存在于恶风虫的多个门中,导致成年人体计划非常多样化。分裂模式显然已得到广泛保留,但在各种分类中也经历了许多修饰。不同适应如何改变祖先螺旋分裂模式的精确机制是一个重要的不断发展的问题,要充分回答这个问题,就需要获得广泛的不同螺旋分裂分类单元的发展知识。在扁虫(Platyhelminthes)中,大多数类群中的螺旋分裂程序已经丢失或被严重修改。然而,多囊扁虫一直保持这种模式直至32细胞阶段。在这里,我们研究Cotylean复叶扁虫蠕虫Maritigrella crozieri的早期胚胎发生,以研究该物种遵循典型螺旋分裂模式的紧密程度,并发现与其潜在的偏差。



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